Email Outage Protection

Live Archive keeps employees sending and receiving email without disruption

Get started

Easily share documents without having to rely on email, or old file servers.


Protect Your Brand & Reputation

ExchangeDefender Live Archive solution is designed to keep your organization in business whenever a disaster strikes. It provides continuous email communications regardless of internal network outages. Our service helps businesses preserve their brand and reputation while ensuring a reliable email continuity plan.

Say Goodbye to Email Outages

ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is primarily designed to allow the business to continue communicating when the internal IT infrastructure becomes unavailable. The service is continuously uploading your mail whether your system is up or not.

Get Up and Running in Minutes

The service is quick (less than a few minutes) and easy to setup. There are no software installations, and no manual switches. The easy part is that there is no management or maintenance required – we take care of it all.

Keep your employees sending and receiving email without interruption.

Try ExchangeDefender’s Email Outage Protection solution today, for just $3 per month.*