ExchangeDefender LiveArchive enables you to deliver a custom long term email archiving & compliance solution using your own public or private cloud for email storage. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up the storage backend for LiveArchive both on Amazon Web Services or your own Docker instance.
While the process is simple and straightforward, we understand that every organization may not have expertise in cloud infrastructure or you may need some advanced deployment/setup requirements. ExchangeDefender offers a setup and management service for cloud services so please open a ticket at if you think you could use our help.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is built using open standards and is designed to run anywhere for years to come. This section of our setup guide will walk you through the configuration of an object storage and database service at Amazon Web Services. Keep in mind that these backend solutions are available from many cloud service providers and you can host them on your own hardware as well.
To get started with Amazon Web Services go to
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive relies on AWS RDS Database (MySQL) service to store your email message metadata such as sender email address, recipient, subject, message size, and date processed. This metadata enables our LiveArchive web service to retrieve and display messages.
You can accept the default settings for the remainder of the database setup screen. If you have any questions regarding the rest of the settings or need a more optimal/secure deployment please keep in mind we do have a setup and deployment service available at
Next we need to lock your database down and grant ExchangeDefender LiveArchive access to it.
That’s all that is required to setup a basic MySQL database at Amazon Web Services. Confirm that you can access your database from your desktop (free options we use are Beekeeper Studio, DBeaver, or VSCode).
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive relies on an S3 Object Storage protocol to store and retrieve messages. There are many options on how to deploy the S3 or similar block/object based storage solutions depending on your demands and budget, in this guide we will walk you through setting up the free Amazon Web Services S3 object storage bucket.
Just like with the database, let’s go to Amazon Web Services at
Finally, let’s setup our login credentials for the LiveArchive service.
Congratulations, you’ve finished the setup of the Amazon Web Services S3 object storage. Your bucket should be online momentarily and your cloud setup is now complete.
Scroll down to ExchangeDefender LiveArchive Setup section so you can tell ExchangeDefender LiveArchive to use your RDS database and S3 storage as an email archiving endpoint.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive can also use your private cloud infrastructure for message and metadata storage. You can run ExchangeDefender LiveArchive in the public cloud, in your own VPS, on your workstation, on your NAS – if you can reach it from the Internet, you can run LiveArchive on it.
Selfhosted or custom backend offers you the ultimate in power and flexibility. We recommend this option to all our larger, advanced, and strategic clients that need to optimize LiveArchive for a specific purpose. One size does not fit all and LiveArchive can certainly become more powerful, more redundant, more secure, or provide a faster recovery time. Here are some popular deployment options:
If you’re doing this with a container host, VPS, or NAS just install the following docker packages and configure them mariadb and minio/minio.
If this is a part of a more advanced docker configuration we’re assuming that you already have the operating system installed, Docker installed , as well as docker-compose. This is a basic example of the core of our stack and how to launch it in your own docker environment.
Inside of your docker/docker-compose directory create the folders to store database and s3 data:
Create the file docker-compose.yml with the following contents:
version: '3.3'
image: mariadb:latest
command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --binlog-format=ROW
- ./rds:/var/lib/mysql
image: minio/minio
- "9000:9000"
- "9001:9001"
- ./s3:/data
command: server --console-address ":9001" /data
Adjust for your desired username and password of course 😃. Configure MySQL and S3 to your liking and then confirm that you can access the services externally!!!
This is only the minimum example required for the service to run, you will of course have tons of options and ability to fine tune your Docker or container environment to make LiveArchive perform as required.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive enables you to build exactly the kind of backend that you need. From just message backups to a full eDiscovery suite, LiveArchive can scale to serve tens of thousands of users per instance.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is managed through the ExchangeDefender Admin portal at
(make sure you click on Administration to login as the Domain Administrator)
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive processes archived messages in your organization and delivers them to a cloud endpoint of your choice.
For the minimal operation you will need an Amazon Web Services S3 or other S3 compatible object storage bucket. This is the medium on which email messages are stored securely and it offers a lot of flexibility and price points (including free!)
For the standard operation you will need S3 as well as RDS or MySQL database engine to store metadata such as email sender, recipient, subject, date and size. With MySQL you also get the ExchangeDefender LiveArchive Email Viewer which enables users to view their archive mailbox and read individual emails in a web browser.
We recommend deploying LiveArchive with the Amazon AWS S3 and RDS in the free tier to confirm it meets your needs. After you’ve completed the test, we recommend looking at a wider range of cloud offerings to make sure LiveArchive backend is suitable for your needs. Or you can set it and forget it on Amazon. Your choice!
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive stores email messages on the S3 object storage service that is available from a variety of vendors. Select your S3 provider and fill in the details.
Our system will attempt to login to your S3 bucket, create a folder, create a file, confirm all the security and permissions are set correctly and will archive messages to that bucket.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive stores email metadata for each message in the MySQL database engine. While this is an optional feature for LiveArchive, it is highly recommended and required for the LiveArchive Web UI.
Please fill in the details on how to access your database and click on Save. Our system will attempt to access your database and confirm all the security and permission requirements are met.
With S3 and Database setup, it’s time to setup archiving. Your system provider or mail platform will create a journaling process for you and the address to forward those messages will be displayed here under LiveArchive Details.
This is the most important piece of the setup as this is what is responsible for delivering email messages to ExchangeDefender LiveArchive in the first place.
If you have multiple domains in your organization you can select which domains you wish to enable archiving for.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is a highly flexible email archiving and backup solution that can be customized for the most affordable long term backups to the most redundant email archiving solution money can buy.
ExchangeDefender is here for you to help you deploy and customize ExchangeDefender LiveArchive for a specific need. To get the project started, please go to and open a ticket. We’ll get you an appointment date and approximate project costs and go from there.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is simple to deploy and you need little more than this guide. However, we know a lot of our clients don’t have certified staff and would rather have someone else go through the process and confirm it works. This project includes:
ExchangeDefender Archive Consulting is ideal for anyone looking to solve a particular problem with LiveArchive. We have deployed LiveArchive for:
We have full confidence that you will join thousands of organizations that use ExchangeDefender LiveArchive to backup and archive their email with this guide alone. Remember, so long as you can connect to your instance using and everything will flow smoothly.
ExchangeDefender is easy to reach, and we are here to help with your IT: