ExchangeDefender is pleased to announce disposable email addresses.

Every now and then you will need to receive an email from someone that is on a compromised/spam network, or you’ll have to get an attachment that is blocked by corporate policy, or a domain with misconfigured SPF/DKIM domain – we see it every day and it’s incredibly frustrating for the users. On one hand, you have to adhere to the company IT policy but you also have to get the work done and many resort to using freemail systems that shouldn’t be allowed on corporate networks under any circumstance.
Or maybe you’re just signing up for something online and don’t want to deal with the SPAM that will probably come with it..

They are free, simple to setup, mask your real email address, and they bypass all security policies.


You can setup as many disposable addresses as you wish, they can be created and deleted at any time.


Just go to, login and click on Bypass Addresses


Bypass Addresses mask your entire address and domain (unlike less secure systems that just append + or . to the real address, that is easy to strip and spam)


Mail sent to bypass addresses isn’t checked for SPF, DKIM, spam content, infections, GeoIP, or other typical security restrictions.


Each email subject is modified to start with [WARNING! | BYPASS.XD External Message] so you don’t inadvertently open an email you were not expecting.

How to get started

Bypass Addresses are available to all ExchangeDefender Pro clients at
Simply login with your credentials for ExchangeDefender Admin portal, select “Bypass Addresses” under My Account, and click on the ” + Add New” button.

That’s it. The system will generate a random disposable email address and any mail delivered to it will automatically be passed on to the real address you select. It takes less than a minute for it to go live!
Once you’re gotten the email you’re expecting, you can return to the admin portal and delete the address. If you’ve created an email address for an e-commerce site or something that will likely generate a lot of SPAM, you can deactivate the email address and mail sent to it will not be delivered to your inbox. If at some point in the future you need to get email at that address again (forgotten password, two factor authentication, etc) your address is permanently attached to your account and can be reactivated in less than one minute.

Need assistance?

ExchangeDefender is easy to reach, and we are here to help with your IT: