Update on ExchangeDefender Maintenance

Update on ExchangeDefender Maintenance

Generally we keep ExchangeDefender maintenance on the NOC site but due to the extent of the maintenance done we felt it was important to place it here as well. Over the past 12 hours we have conducted urgent maintenance on the following systems:

  1. ExchangeDefender reporting servers (ongoing, 8-10 hours remaining)
  2. ExchangeDefender antispam engine (ongoing, up to 99.2% efficiency)
  3. ExchangeDefender outbound network (complete)
  4. ExchangeDefender global load balancing (complete)
  5. ExchangeDefender cluster upgrades (complete)

It will take another 2-3 hours for the latency across the network to go down. The email reports will resume later today. The new outbound network hardware is online and active. The new reporting servers will go online this weekend along with the global network upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1.

We apologize for the inconvenience the additional mail latency has caused you and your clients, this will be the last major network upgrade for quite some time and the last major maintenance before the start of the ExchangeDefender 4.0. Most of the engine underneath of ExchangeDefender is running 4.x code already.

For updates on the ExchangeDefender maintenance please keep an eye on our NOC site at www.ownwebnow.com/noc