ExchangeDefender Blog

ExchangeDefender has been holding LiveArchive workshops for two weeks, helping our clients and partners setup a free backup and live archiving service for their domain. Everyone needs a backup, right? ExchangeDefender is the missing piece in your backup strategy, it lets your users access email messages in the meantime while the recovery is taking place.

ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is free and since you’re providing the storage, you can keep the archive indefinitely. ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is open source and you can count on it long after we’re gone. Plus the privacy stuff.

Preparing for the LiveArchive Workshop

Our goal with the ExchangeDefender LiveArchive Workshop is to help you set up your organization and be up and running by the end of the call.

It takes less than 4 minutes to configure LiveArchive start-to-finish. It takes about 90 extra seconds per domain if you’re setting up multiple clients.

Requirements for the workshop are a domain that is currently protected and configured with ExchangeDefender, access to the DNS control panel, and access to the Microsoft M365 admin (Exchange) site. This way the mail is already flowing in and out of the organization and all we need to assure is that traffic is properly replicating from your email infrastructure to your backup location.

LiveArchive Storage Checklist

ExchangeDefender LiveArchive consists of 3 major components:

1) LiveArchive UI – Beautiful minimalist webmail interface for your email archive
2) LiveArchive S3 Storage – S3 object storage backend to store your messages
3) LiveArchive DB – MariaDB SQL database backend for email metadata and customization

Option 1: Amazon AWS Services

For the sake of keeping it affordable and easy, we recommend deploying LiveArchive on Amazon Web Services. You can get started with Amazon EC2/Lightsail, S3, and RDS/MariaDB and the documentation for the process is here:

Option 2: Amazon Lightsail

If you’re looking to do more than the basics, deploying the whole docker stack in Amazon Lightsail or EC2 instance is recommended. Before you get to the workshop, set up a Lightsail instance running the latest Ubuntu Linux version you’re comfortable with. Fire it up, update it, assign it a static IP address, and point an A host record at it.

During the workshop we will deploy LiveArchive both ways so you can see the entire process but if you wish to have it deployed make sure you have your environment set up and updated before we get started. By the time the hour is up, your LiveArchive will be protecting your data for as long as you wish to store it.

Learn how to effortlessly set up, optimize, and maximize your investment with expert guidance. Our workshops cover everything from pricing to configuration.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to master Live Archive Backup! Reserve your spot now for Tuesday or Thursday workshops at 11 AM or 3 PM starting July 16th-September 3rd 2024!

Open a ticket at and let us know which date and time works for you. Space is very limited so please claim your spot fast!!

Over the next seven weeks, ExchangeDefender will hold interactive zoom workshops to help everyone set up their LiveArchive.

Thanks to the many of you who took our LiveArchive survey. We share your excitement and the opportunities LiveArchive presents to our users and want you to have it for your organization. Thank you for sharing tips for what works to get your team on board. We’ve been able to design a workshop that will cover all the bases and have your product deployed by the time the hour is up!

Open a ticket at and let us know which date and time works for you. Space is very limited so please claim your spot fast!!

Workshops will be presented over zoom and will be interactive, allowing you to ask questions and even help with your setup. Here is a brief overview:

  • LiveArchive Deployment Checklist
  • LiveArchive Deployment Scenario
  • LiveArchive Deployment Walkthrough
  • DNS and security setup

Requirements for the workshop:

  • Domain must be currently protected and configured with ExchangeDefender
  • Domain DNS zone management access (confirm MFA)
  • Microsoft M365 Administrator access (confirm MFA)

This FREE LiveArchive workshop simplifies everything! Get clear pricing, expert deployment guidance, and perfect configuration – all within an hour. Everyone in your organization gains immediate access to long-term email archives, including live incoming emails. Skip the confusing documentation and sign up now – spots are limited!

In today’s digital world, software security is paramount. Malicious actors are constantly searching for vulnerabilities in applications to steal data, disrupt operations, or launch cyberattacks like the recent auto industry software cyberattack on CDJR. To stay ahead of the curve, businesses need a robust security strategy that includes fuzz testing, also known as fuzzing.

What is Fuzzing?

Fuzzing is a software testing technique that involves feeding a program invalid, random, or malformed data as inputs. The goal is to see how the program reacts to unexpected inputs and uncover potential bugs and vulnerabilities. Imagine testing a lock by trying different keys. Fuzzing is like trying random objects, not just keys, to see if they open the lock (the program) in unexpected ways.

How Does Fuzzing Work?

A fuzzer, a specialized tool, automates the fuzzing process. It takes a program as input and generates a vast number of test cases with various types of invalid data. Ideally, the program will crash or exhibit abnormal behavior when encountering this unexpected input. This abnormal behavior indicates a potential bug or vulnerability that needs to be addressed.

Benefits of Fuzzing for Businesses

  • Uncovers Hidden Bugs: Fuzzing can find bugs that traditional testing methods might miss, especially those related to unexpected user inputs or external data sources.

  • Improves Software Robustness: By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities, fuzzing helps make programs more resistant to cyberattacks and data breaches. Proactive patching of these vulnerabilities minimizes the risk of costly security incidents.

  • Automation: Fuzzing tools can be automated, making it a relatively cost-effective way to test software compared to manual methods.

Why ExchangeDefender Recommends Fuzzing

At ExchangeDefender, we understand the importance of comprehensive email security. Malicious actors often target email systems with phishing attacks and malware-laden attachments. Fuzz testing email security solutions helps ensure they can withstand these attacks and protect your organization’s data.

Combining Fuzzing with Other Security Measures

While fuzzing is a valuable tool, it’s not a silver bullet. A layered security approach is crucial for optimal protection. Here are some additional security measures to consider:

By combining fuzz testing with other security measures, businesses can significantly improve their software’s robustness and create a more secure email environment.

Ready to Learn More?

ExchangeDefender offers a comprehensive suite of email security solutions designed to protect your organization from evolving cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you safeguard your email data!

Cybersecurity threats seem to be everywhere these days, from phishing scams in your inbox to malware lurking in the downloads you click. But what if there was a way to fight fire with fire, using artificial intelligence (AI) to outsmart cybercriminals? Believe it or not, AI is becoming a powerful tool in the cybersecurity arsenal. Here are 3 ways AI is working to keep you safe online:

1. Training Champions: Simulating the Bad Guys

Think about a world where cybersecurity professionals could practice their skills against realistic cyberattacks, that look real enough to fool anyone. Well, that world exists thanks to AI! Generative AI can create convincing simulations of cyber threats, allowing security experts to hone their detection and response skills in a safe, controlled environment. The more they practice against these “fake” attacks, the better equipped they’ll be to stop the real ones that come your way.

2. Phishing Emails? No Problem! AI Spots the Fakes

Phishing emails are a classic trick used by cybercriminals to steal your personal information. But AI is making it harder for these emails to slip through the cracks. AI can be trained to identify the subtle clues in a fake email, like unusual phrasing or suspicious sender addresses. By constantly analyzing emails and learning from new phishing attempts, AI helps keep your inbox safe from these deceptive messages.

3. Digital Neighborhood Watch for Unusual Activity

Imagine your computer network as a bustling neighborhood. Normally, things follow a predictable pattern – emails flow in and out, websites are accessed, and data travels along its usual routes. But what if a stranger showed up, acting strangely? AI can monitor your network traffic and learn what “normal” activity looks like. Then, if something unusual happens, like a sudden surge in data or a suspicious connection attempt, AI can raise the alarm. By constantly watching for anomalies, AI helps identify potential cyberattacks before they can cause any damage.

As AI continues to evolve, it will likely play an even greater role in keeping us safe online. So next time you see an article about a cyber threat, remember that there’s a whole team of AI warriors working behind the scenes to keep you protected!

The rise of remote work has transformed the way we operate. While it offers flexibility and convenience, it also introduces new security challenges. One of the biggest concerns is keeping sensitive business communications secure, especially when employees access email from personal devices and unsecured networks.

This is where ExchangeDefender Corporate Email Encryption comes in. It acts as a powerful shield, safeguarding your confidential information even when emails travel outside your company network. Here’s how encryption helps overcome remote work security challenges:

Protection Against Data Breaches

Encrypted emails are rendered unreadable to anyone who doesn’t have the decryption key. This minimizes the risk of data breaches even if a device is lost, stolen, or hacked.

Compliance Made Easy

Many industries have strict data security regulations. Encryption ensures compliance with data privacy laws like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS, giving you peace of mind.

Secure Communication Across Devices

Employees can access and send encrypted emails from any device, whether it’s a work computer, a laptop at a coffee shop, or even a personal phone. Encryption ensures sensitive information remains secure regardless of location or device.

ExchangeDefender Corporate Email Encryption
offers additional benefits like:

  • Easy Integration: The service seamlessly integrates with existing email systems, requiring minimal disruption to your workflow.

  • User-Friendly Experience: Both senders and recipients can use encryption easily, without needing extensive technical knowledge.

  • Advanced Features: The service offers features like pattern matching and lexicon-based encryption for comprehensive data protection.

By implementing ExchangeDefender Corporate Email Encryption, you can empower your remote workforce to collaborate securely, while safeguarding your business from costly data breaches and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Ready to learn more? Visit ExchangeDefender today to explore how Corporate Email Encryption can take your remote work security to the next level! Link to ExchangeDefender Corporate Email Encryption

M365 and ExchangeDefender Outbound Limitations

As the Microsoft M365 network grows, the email abuse originating from it is also on the rise. One area that clients often get compromised first is the use of their tenant to relay unauthorized mail and spoofed or null/system messages. ExchangeDefender protects clients from this activity and our security policy blocks the relay of external domains and null senders.

We understand that some clients may want to take the risks or want to send out-of-office (OOF) messages no matter what (even if it fails/errors out). This can be done entirely within Microsoft M365 and we’ve written a step-by-step guide that will take you approximately a minute to complete at

Once you’ve created a new connector and enabled a new mail forwarding rule you’ll have to include: to your SPF record and publish the new DKIM key. Check that everything is published right and enabled and that’s it.

As we’ve discussed in the past, unauthenticated and unauthorized (faked or forged or unsigned) mail is on the way out and the email security landscape has only gotten worse since we published that in 2022. If your email system has unique routing and delivery needs, ExchangeDefender can build a custom solution for you. We’ve helped organizations modernize and support legacy email methods for years and we’re sure we can help you as well.

The new ExchangeDefender LiveArchive has been very popular with our clients as a live email backup service. With backups typically being the last thing organizations want to spend their IT budget on, it’s no surprise that a free backup service that you own and can archive indefinitely would be compelling.

We’re trying to help our partners and clients roll out LiveArchive this summer and we would like to hear from you. We’re organizing our summer webinar series and this 3-minute survey would help us focus the schedule and content to serve you better:

Take a quick survey to help us tailor the content you want to see, click here!

To help as many of you get started as fast as possible, ExchangeDefender is considering several short-form or small-group interactive webinars several times a week during July and August. During these webinars, we’ll cover the basics of the service and help you actually complete the deployment of LiveArchive (it only takes a few minutes with the public cloud)!

What is Live Archive Email Backup?

ExchangeDefender LiveArchive offers secure backup, long-term archiving, and eDiscovery services for Office 365, Gmail, and cloud mail.

Sales Collateral? Yes! We have a Data Sheet, Live Archive Email Backup Advantage sheet, plus case studies!

In the fast-paced world of business, safeguarding your critical communication is non-negotiable. That’s where Live Archive Email Backup steps in, offering a comprehensive solution to address the evolving challenges businesses face today.

1. Security at the Forefront

Value the security of your business data with Live Archive. Safeguard your critical communication from potential threats, ensuring the integrity of your business information is maintained at all times.

2. Fortify Against Ransomware

In the battle against crypto-locking threats, Live Archive becomes your shield. Protect your email backups, ensuring your data remains accessible even in the face of a compromise. It’s the ultimate defense strategy for your digital assets.

3. Long-Term Email Preservation

Ensure the continuity of your business with Live Archive’s long-term email preservation. Back up and archive email data for extended periods, meeting regulatory and business continuity requirements seamlessly.

4. Budget-Friendly IT Solutions

Navigate the complex IT landscape with ease by choosing Live Archive—a cost-effective email backup solution. It provides robust protection without straining your IT budget, making security accessible to businesses of all sizes.

5. Storage Flexibility for Your Needs

Your data, your choice. Live Archive offers storage flexibility, allowing you to store your critical information on the cloud, on-premises, or both. Tailor your backup strategy to suit your business needs effortlessly.

Live Archive Email Backup is the key to unlocking peace of mind in your business operations. Prioritize security, accessibility, and longevity—choose Live Archive for a reliable and comprehensive email backup solution. Your data deserves nothing less.

In today’s digital world, protecting your Social Security Number (SSN) is crucial. Sharing it via email is generally discouraged due to the inherent risks of data breaches and phishing scams. So, can ExchangeDefender, an email security solution, make emailing your SSN safe? Let’s break it down:

The Risks of Emailing Your SSN:

  • Unsecured Connections: Even with basic email services, messages can travel through unencrypted connections, making them vulnerable to interception.
  • Human Error: Accidental mishaps like sending the email to the wrong recipient can expose your SSN.
  • Phishing Attacks: Deceptive emails disguised as legitimate sources can trick you into revealing your SSN.

How ExchangeDefender Helps:

While ExchangeDefender offers robust security features, it can’t guarantee complete safety for emailing your SSN. Here’s why:

  • Encryption Focus: ExchangeDefender primarily focuses on encrypting emails within your organization and with trusted partners.
  • Limited Control over Recipient Security: ExchangeDefender can’t control the security measures of the recipient’s email server.
  • Phishing Vulnerability: ExchangeDefender may not always catch sophisticated phishing attempts that target you specifically.

Alternatives to Emailing Your SSN:

Here are safer ways to share your SSN:

  • Secure Online Portals: Many businesses offer secure online portals where you can upload or enter sensitive information.
  • Encrypted File Transfer Services: Use file-sharing platforms like ExchangeDefender Web File Server, with strong encryption to send your SSN securely.
  • Fax or Certified Mail (if absolutely necessary): These methods offer a paper trail but might be less convenient.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Never share your SSN unless absolutely necessary.
  • Verify the legitimacy of any request for your SSN before responding.
  • Be cautious of emails requesting personal information.
  • Consider using a password manager to create strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts.

Remember, protecting your SSN is your responsibility. By employing a layered approach of security measures and avoiding unnecessary risks, you can keep your personal information safe.

PayPal phishing scams are a type of online fraud where scammers try to trick you into revealing your personal information, such as your login credentials or financial details. Here’s what you need to know:

Common Tactics:

  • Phishing emails: These emails appear to be from PayPal, often claiming urgent issues like account suspension, suspicious activity, or unclaimed funds. They pressure you to click on links that lead to fake websites designed to steal your information.
  • Fake websites: These websites closely resemble the real PayPal website, but have subtle differences in the URL or design. Once you enter your login details, the scammers steal them.
  • Overpayment scams: Scammers might send you an invoice or money request for more than the agreed price, claiming it’s an accident or for additional fees. They then ask you to return the “overpayment,” which is actually your own money.
  • Suspicious texts: Similar to emails, scammers might send text messages urging you to click on links or call fake customer service numbers.

Red Flags:

  • Generic greetings: Phishing messages often use generic greetings like “Dear user” instead of your actual name.
  • Urgency and threats: They create a sense of urgency by claiming your account is at risk or will be suspended if you don’t act immediately.
  • Suspicious links and attachments: Never click on links or open attachments in emails or texts from unknown senders, even if they appear legitimate.
  • Poor grammar and spelling: Phishing attempts often contain typos and grammatical errors.
  • Requests for personal information: PayPal will never ask for your login details or financial information via email, text, or phone.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Never click on links or open attachments: Always verify the sender and log in to your PayPal account directly to check for any issues.
  • Check the URL carefully: Make sure the website address is the official PayPal website ( before entering any information.
  • Ignore requests for personal information: If an email or message asks for your login details, credit card information, or other sensitive data, it’s a scam.
  • Report suspicious activity: Forward phishing emails to and report fake websites to PayPal directly.

By being aware of these tactics and red flags, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to PayPal phishing scams.

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