ExchangeDefender at Microsoft WPC

ExchangeDefender at Microsoft WPC

Please visit us in booth #1346 at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans March 13-16th.


Next week we will be sponsoring the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans. If you are attending, please stop by booth #1346. We have a number of new plans that we are excited to discuss. If you are missing the event, we will also be at the CompTIA Breakaway in Las Vegas, MSP University in Santa Ana, ConnectWise Summit in Orlando and a handful of ASCII events and user groups. This is in addition to the many ASCII, MSPU, Autotask, Microsoft TechEd and HTG events we have participated in so far this year.

So the obvious question should be: why go to all these events when the economy is doing so poorly? Over the past year we have seen many companies go under or slow down significantly because they were not prepared to address the demands of the marketplace. Companies that have survived and are now thriving are doing so thanks to solid management, execution and product matrix. I personally feel that we are at the greatest wave of change on the Internet ever since it started being used for commerce and business. Business demands for Internet applications are changing, as are support requirements, making many of the old technology business models obsolete. In order to stay at the front as an innovator in this industry, we have to work closer with our partners and our clients.

My one agenda for 2009 was to convert many of the experimental and community projects into professional services our clients and partners could count on. This involves working very closely with our partners to develop the features the clients are actually working on, not necessarily the ones we think we can sell. This interaction has so far been responsible for our PSA as well as the PSA integrations with Autotask, ConnectWise and Zenith Infotech. It has also resulted in record growth in our revenues and profits, some of which we are contributing to community projects to encourage everyone to work with us more closely.

So consider this an invitation – we want to work with everyone. Feel free to email me to get started.


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