January 2010

Thanks to your support and business over the years we’ve grown tremendously. We’ve also done our fair share to promote our partners and deliver the solutions that have made our clients grow exponentially – and now we’re all feeling the pain of training new staff, getting up to speed with the new technology and changes to the existing systems. It’s a wonderful problem to have and solving it will make all of us amazingly successful.

I want you to know that the Support Services are first and foremost in 2010. We can’t go forward if we do not have the foundation of our business rock solid: What we offer is very simple and you should be able to go from a novice to an expert within the hour. That’s our goal and here is how we are doing it:


OWN University is located at http://go.ownwebnow.com and is our process of delivering support training to our partners and clients. We’ve always had the Support Portal, the Help, the ExchangeDefender Video Library but we’ve never had a landing page that would help train our partners on the product from start to finish and link in all the relevant information.

We have received high praise for the amount of training and the quality of information presented by Own Web Now and it’s something we take pride in – but finding that specific information has not always been easy. Now, we have a single landing page to point you to and it’s accessible from every page at ownwebnow.com

What to Expect

We will be adding relevant content on a monthly basis and in a wide range of media. We have whitepapers and FAQ articles for those of you that want to quickly locate information. We also have long-form training videos as well as SPAM Show and Webcasts designed to be consumed on the go and give you the full range of information. Here are some examples:

playvideoOnboarding Video – This guide will give you a full walkthrough of all OWN systems for service orders, technical support, marketing collateral and service management.



exchangevideoExchange + SharePoint Hosting – This guide will walk you through the order and provisioning process for our Exchange & SharePoint products. We will then walk you through the Microsoft Outlook configuration, importing old mail to the new profile and more.


obmvideo Offsite Backups – In this guide we will show you how to order Offsite Backups, manage the quota, configure the offsite backup agent and get the backups started.



webhostingvideo Web Hosting – This guide will show you our web hosting control panel, process of purchasing hosting, your options when provisioning the site, if you should choose .NET or PHP hosting and more.



All of our videos are complemented by a whitepaper with screenshots and best practices tips – and vice versa. This gives you the ability to copy the content to your web sites and allow your clients to benefit from the same training without exposing our trademarks or relationship.

Most importantly, this is an ongoing commitment to our clients and partners, we stand behind our products more so than any of our competitors. Not only are our solutions integrated into PSA’s that you use to manage your business but we also allow you to offload that labor to our engineers – so the cost of support to you is $0. By providing better training and on boarding we also hope to reduce the costs associated with the deployment and management of our solutions.

I hope you agree that 2010 is going to be fantastic for us all. As always, thank you for your business!

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp

We’re growing, again, and that means more IP addresses and more networks. We expect a new growth bump to require additional hardware that will be added during Q1 and Q2 of this year so please keep an eye on this page.

Moving & Maintenance on mail1.ownwebnow.com

Our shared mail hosting infrastructure is moving. We’re going from to With the additional bandwidth and carriers, the network change will speed up the response time and transfer on larger attachments.

If you have your DNS record managed by us, there is nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of it.

If you have your DNS record managed externally, and have records that point to manually – you will need to make changes. Since we don’t know where your record is or if you aren’t using us (you should be, that’s the assumed operational state) there is no way for us to notify you beyond this blog post so make sure that you make the change ASAP. The IP address at will cease to operate Monday, January 25th, 2010.

We have a scheduled maintenance window at 10 PM EST on Thursday, January 21st, during which time there will only be intermittent access to our mail infrastructure.

ExchangeDefender SPF records

If you are using SPF records as a part of your domain name to limit joe-job’s and spoofing you’re probably aware of having to manually add IP addresses to it when a new ExchangeDefender outbound network is created. Good news – you don’t have to do it manually any more! Just add the following directive to your SPF record (in bold):

“v-spf1 include:exchangedefender.com –all”

Adding the include:exchangedefender.com to your SPF TXT field will include all of the defined outbound SMTP servers used by ExchangeDefender so you don’t have to manage them manually. Naturally, you should also list all of your other SMTP servers that relay mail for your domain. Note: ExchangeDefender does not offer technical support for SPF records as they are not a part of our service. However, if you wish to use them and know how to implement them, ExchangeDefender is making it easier to track our records.

As promised, I held the ExchangeDefender Web Security launch today. Documentation, features and downloads will be available on this blog this weekend. In the meantime, please download the webcast and watch at your leisure. Note: You should play it in full screen to get the smooth page transitions. If that doesn’t work, the PowerPoint is also included.

ExchangeDefender Web Security Webcast video (.wmv)

ExchangeDefender Web Security Webcast PowerPoint (.pptx)

shannonThe past couple of weeks I have taken it upon myself to help expand my sales/business knowledge by reading “The Prime Solution” by Jeff Thull.  It’s a fairly easy read of about 200 or so pages sprinkled intermittently with stories of companies who have successfully implemented his techniques to not only win the sale, but increase revenues and in most cases even change the way they run their business.  I personally found the book to be fairly repetitive at times, but I also found some techniques and exampled that screamed “Managed Service Provider!” So basically what I’ve done is condensed the book to give you guys somewhat of a summary if you will of what I read.  Take a look at it (as you will spend far less time reading my summary then the actual book, and lets face it… Time is money) and next week I will do a follow up. I will basically be trimming the fat and pulling out the substance to where I believe we can actually apply The Prime Solution to our way of thinking in the MSP world to create more opportunities for sales, and a more mutually beneficial relationship with our clients.


Ch. 1: The Elusive Prime Solution

This tells the story of IBM’s CEO Lou Gerstner’s influence on the company during his tenure. After a shocking loss in 1992, IBM was ready for the fresh new start. Gerstner’s background of IT systems made him privy to the fact that IBM’s target market had no concern of the actual commodities that was being sold, they wanted solutions. Gerstner in turn refocused the company with his implementation of “Global Services” which provided customer solutions to their problems and challenges by delivering on the value of promise. All in all, his vision accounted for 80% of the company’s growth during his term with IBM.

A solution failure occurs when the value promised to the customer is not achieved. This occurs several ways: 1.The product or service itself can’t deliver on the promise made. 2. The customer is unable to implement the technology properly. 3. The customers’ expectations have not yet been met. This hurts potential as well as future clients.

The Value Gap is often created by the frustration and animosity of trying to fill the gap between the promise of value and its ultimate fulfillment. The failure of this is impertinent to avoiding barriers that sellers will encounter.

Ch. 2: Three Eras of Value Dilution

The value gap is something that has been created overtime driven by the ever changing definition of the word value. Abrupt changes typically shoot up a red flag for us to make an adjustment, but slower changes over an extended period of time can leave us behind. Innovation and technology advances push sellers to add value to their offerings as a means to create advantage over their competitors. These advances, while impertinent, add to the complexity for all parties involved. Let’s look at this by exploring the changing definition of value over the years:

· Era 1: Obvious Value– (1950’s-1960’s) Businesses created a product and sales people went door to door trying to persuade people to buy it. Buyers easily understood the function of the product and easily saw the value it would present to their problems.

· Era 2: Augmented Value– (1970’s-1990’s) Products were sold with a range of possibilities stemming from generic, to fulfilling customers’ expectations, to exceeding customers expectations with added value. For the most part buyers still understood their own problems, but they need the sales person to ‘problem solve’ and show them that their expectations could be exceeded.

· Era 3: Complex Value– (1990’s-Present) Because of technology advances, buyers have a difficult time understanding their own needs, and problems. For the most part they know their goals but are unaware of how to achieve them. Sellers must help them diagnose, design, evaluate and implement the solution.

Ch.3: Five Barriers to Keeping Value Promises

Each barrier has a consequence and must be understood and addressed before closing the value gap.

· Relevancy Barrier: Sellers decide for themselves value in the service and apply this rule to all buyers, and are unable to actually produce meaningful value because of generalization

· Inflation Barrier: Sellers only sell the benefits and features and avoid their duty in walking the customer through the steps, and risks involved with achieving this value and completely undermine the business relationship.

· Comprehensive Barrier: Sellers assume that the customer fully understands their own problem and the complex solution being provided to them. This sets the customer up for failure with the solution. Comprehension only grows as the solution becomes more widespread.

· Dilution Barrier: Customer’s take control and approach the situation from a price based decision, and completely dilutes the value and benefits of the solution. Don’t let buyers strip the components out of your solution so that they can compare ‘apples to apples.’

· Implementation Barrier: Sellers leave the buyers ill equipped with the implementation of the solution and don’t take accountability when for their customer’s lack of value achievement.

To bring down these barriers, there are 3 main considerations to keep in mind:

1. The cause of the barrier is not to assign blame, but to overcome these obstacles and establish a relationship. The dilution(cost) barrier is often used because the buyer is afraid of getting taken advantage of.

2. On barrier often supports and reinforces another one. Always be prepared to address all five barriers.

3. The point where the consequences of a barrier manifest is often not where the collision takes place. It can flow from R&D, Manufacturing, Marketing, Sales, to Support. Overcoming all 5 barriers and closing the value gap involves participation at all levels.


Ch. 4: Value Leverage for Business Performance

Value maximization is the cornerstone. Sellers must identify the factors that are significantly affecting the customers, and show the absence of value, and link their solution as a strategy to fulfill the buyer’s ultimate goal. Define, address, and connect with value on the customers’ terms. Sellers must be able to point out all the components of a high quality decision including priorities, change, investment, commitment and risk.

The value impact of a Prime Solution is raised as it is able to connect to multiple customer business drivers:

· Financial– Either Revenues or Expenses

· QualityCustomer Satisfaction, Employee Satisfaction, Regulatory Compliance

· CompetitiveUniqueness or Availability

Georgia Pacific Resins, Inc (GPRI) is a somewhat of a commodity based company since they sell resins necessary for paper quality optimization. After dealing with clients that were only concerned with the best price, GPRI took their organization to the process level and now tailor makes the resin for clients depending on the need to help optimize their production, leveraging the value of their solution.

Ch. 5: Multiple Decisions, Mutual Understandings & Ch.6: Effective Execution, Measurable Results

Business managers are usually not well equipped to make high-quality decisions. Sellers combat this situation with either a reactive, proactive, or interactive relationship level. The most effective of the three relationships is interactive. This is where the seller helps expand the customers understanding of their own problem, and makes them fully aware of their alternatives. Seller must show them the incentive to change and give them the confidence to invest. You must make them recognize the negative cost associated with not implementing the solution, or they will have no incentive to change.

High-quality decisions involve decisions about priorities, change, investment, commitment and risk. Provide them with the tools they need to measure their results and justify the risk. Act as Partners during implementation and help with tactics, leveraging the value of your solution.


Ch. 7: Creating The Prime Solution

A Prime Solution should enable your company to:

· Discover and research the companies that are most likely at a disadvantage without your solution.

· Diagnose the problem, close the performance gap by involving your solution, and give them the confidence and knowledge to make the change.

· Design solutions that minimize the risk of change, maximize their return on investment, and provide them with the confidence to invest.

· Deliver measured results and establish the promise of value made to your customers.

Ch. 8 Marketing The Prime Solution

This marketing strategy will prevent the no sale scenario:

The problem with solution based differentiation is when dealing with complex products the customer just wants the best solution.

Diagnostic marketing will allow you to solve your customers most complex problems. This is the most effective method for complex solutions in the market.

When advancing the progression of change you must remember that people are more resistant to change unless the pain experienced by staying is greater than the pain of changing.

There are four tenses of marketing:

· Positive present is describing the customer’s situation in positive terms.

· Positive future is the customers’ need for a better future.

· Negative future is the dangers the customer might face one day.

· Negative present is the current problems or bad situations.

Complex solutions need extensive change there for negative-present tense are the most effective.

Ch.9 Selling The Prime Solution

When selling the prime solution:

It should always be a “win” for the seller. From the customers point of view it is another expense and a preserved loss if the value is not achieved.

A high quality decision is the goal of the sale. It’s based on an honest, thorough and rational evaluation between the seller solution and the customer’s problem.

Ch.10 Delivering on The Prime Solution

Having the ability to accept and deal with change is the main competency implementing The Prime Solution. Accepting change not only from your perspective but also from the customers as well. Yes you are dealing with the ever morphing definition of value, and technology advancements, bur customer is dealing with a lot more changes that you are accountable for making as smooth as possible.

To ensure a successful change management process is implemented it must meet at least two of the following criteria:

· Adaptability– This should be based somewhat on the customers input, and design customized strategies for change.

· Technology– The technology should have no bugs, when implementing the solution for the customer it should in no way disrupt their existing technology.

· Process-The implementation should be a smooth process, one which has been thoroughly mapped out addressing any problems that may occur downstream.

· People– it must address the physical skill and the behavior of the people that the solution is meant for.

Kind Regards,

Shannon Brewer

Dear Partners,

Please join me this Thursday (January 7th @ 3 PM EST) for a live webcast covering the launch of ExchangeDefender Web Security Suite. The webcast will be live and you’re welcome to dial in and post questions. If you cannot make it, recording will be available for download later on Thursday.

What’s the topic? It’s become evident that threats are migrating from the email and SPAM to the web where few users are adequately protected. Even worse, most users have little or no protection outside of their corporate offices while most users browse the web with older and unpatched browsers that make easy targets. As more of our applications and communications move to the web, ExchangeDefender is launching the following products this Thursday:

ExchangeDefender Web Filtering – Agent based web filtering solution is designed for Windows PC’s and operates as a service that blocks URL requests at the TCP level. This way we can intercept dangerous traffic even if it is sent through anonymizer proxy or a port other than 80/443. Because each agent is user authenticated, each ExchangeDefender can have their own block policy that is refreshed every hour with either your custom URL lists or over 80 categories of web sites sorted by content.

ExchangeDefender Web Sharing – The web sharing and collaboration needs have grown beyond the feature offerings of FTP and ExchangeDefender is delivering a platform for file sharing and distribution. ExchangeDefender Web Filtering allows users to upload content to their private site, email links, be notified when downloads happen, automatically destroy files after a certain amount of time and more.

ExchangeDefender LDAP Integration – For larger enterprises, user management is a pain. With ExchangeDefender LDAP integration, our user list is in complete sync with your Active Directory or any other LDAP user database. Our agent monitors any account modifications, additions and deletions and replicates them to the ExchangeDefender network.

We will continue to release new components of ExchangeDefender throughout January and February because the scope of our platform is immense – we want to explore and collect feedback on each and every piece and make sure our partner base is educated.

We are holding partner Lunch & Learn events where either I or one of my senior engineers will walk your staff through our product and discuss any integration ideas or best practices. If you’re interested, let me know.

So tune in: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/991505921


Vlad Mazek, MCSE

CEO, Own Web Now Corp

Welcome to the new year, new decade. Today is the day to start doing something great. Even if you don’t buy into the 1st of the year and resolutions, it is the first day of the new fiscal year and time for us to kick off our 2010 agenda.

Our resolution is that 2010 is the year of our partners: We have never been more involved in the building of our partners businesses and the way our marketing and support teams will push our partners in 2010 will surprise you.

First things first, let’s find out where you are at this moment: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FTZF3BT

The survey above will give us an idea of how/if you work with us and what we can do to immediately improve in January. For us, 2009 was a year to retool, rebuild and revise all that we’ve build through the years. Our core products have been immensely popular through the years and we experienced some growing pains – but now we’re ready, with bandwidth and experience to take you to the next level.

Start by filling out the survey, whether you work with us or not: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FTZF3BT

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp

P.S. Remember, in 2010 I am here for you. You can reach me directly on my cell (407) 536-VLAD