Have you tuned into the OWN University?

Have you tuned into the OWN University?

Thanks to your support and business over the years we’ve grown tremendously. We’ve also done our fair share to promote our partners and deliver the solutions that have made our clients grow exponentially – and now we’re all feeling the pain of training new staff, getting up to speed with the new technology and changes to the existing systems. It’s a wonderful problem to have and solving it will make all of us amazingly successful.

I want you to know that the Support Services are first and foremost in 2010. We can’t go forward if we do not have the foundation of our business rock solid: What we offer is very simple and you should be able to go from a novice to an expert within the hour. That’s our goal and here is how we are doing it:


OWN University is located at http://go.ownwebnow.com and is our process of delivering support training to our partners and clients. We’ve always had the Support Portal, the Help, the ExchangeDefender Video Library but we’ve never had a landing page that would help train our partners on the product from start to finish and link in all the relevant information.

We have received high praise for the amount of training and the quality of information presented by Own Web Now and it’s something we take pride in – but finding that specific information has not always been easy. Now, we have a single landing page to point you to and it’s accessible from every page at ownwebnow.com

What to Expect

We will be adding relevant content on a monthly basis and in a wide range of media. We have whitepapers and FAQ articles for those of you that want to quickly locate information. We also have long-form training videos as well as SPAM Show and Webcasts designed to be consumed on the go and give you the full range of information. Here are some examples:

playvideoOnboarding Video – This guide will give you a full walkthrough of all OWN systems for service orders, technical support, marketing collateral and service management.



exchangevideoExchange + SharePoint Hosting – This guide will walk you through the order and provisioning process for our Exchange & SharePoint products. We will then walk you through the Microsoft Outlook configuration, importing old mail to the new profile and more.


obmvideo Offsite Backups – In this guide we will show you how to order Offsite Backups, manage the quota, configure the offsite backup agent and get the backups started.



webhostingvideo Web Hosting – This guide will show you our web hosting control panel, process of purchasing hosting, your options when provisioning the site, if you should choose .NET or PHP hosting and more.



All of our videos are complemented by a whitepaper with screenshots and best practices tips – and vice versa. This gives you the ability to copy the content to your web sites and allow your clients to benefit from the same training without exposing our trademarks or relationship.

Most importantly, this is an ongoing commitment to our clients and partners, we stand behind our products more so than any of our competitors. Not only are our solutions integrated into PSA’s that you use to manage your business but we also allow you to offload that labor to our engineers – so the cost of support to you is $0. By providing better training and on boarding we also hope to reduce the costs associated with the deployment and management of our solutions.

I hope you agree that 2010 is going to be fantastic for us all. As always, thank you for your business!

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp