To the cloud & back to the ground
This Wednesday we will be holding our second webcast with CharTec’s Frank Gurnee and going over the business implementation of the Cloud & HaaS models and how they complement each other perfectly in the new economy. It’s no secret that budgets are still tight and that our client base is always looking for ways to do things faster, better and… cheaper. The advances in the bandwidth have made the cloud revolution possible and the HaaS plays hand in hand with the SaaS model, allowing you to grow faster with less money.
Please join us this Wednesday at 12:30 EST:
These webcasts are not recorded and are not meant to be glorified sales pitches. You either recognize the opportunity and want our help with the tips and tricks around the profitable implementation or not. If you are going in the cloud/HaaS direction, we will put our resources behind you and make sure you’re up to speed and push you forward as fast as possible.
Working closer with partners is our major goal for 2010, hope you’re a part of it. Register for the event and see how we can help.
Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp