Shockey Monkey Web Connect
SM Web Connect allows you to quickly add Lead Creation or Support Request integration directly into your existing website. We have two different implementation methods: one that is very simple & one that requires minimum modifications to get it working on your website. These are both Shockey Monkey Pro features and will require you to upgrade your subscription to PRO, in order to take advantage of these features.
Method 1 (Easy):
This method combines the backend API mechanics and implantation methods from our servers and simplify requires a one line HTML insert on any webpage to enable either (Lead Creation or Ticket Creation).
Copy and paste the <iframe> code into the HTML of your site where you would like the form to appear.
· You should edit the [src] to match the portal address of your unique portal.
· You can also switch the appearance by modifying the [theme] parameter, values 1-6.
· If you would like to adjust the [width] and [height], those can also be modified.
Lead Creation
<iframe src=”″ style=’width: 370px; height: 450px;’ scrolling=”no” frameBorder=”0″></iframe>
Ticket Creation
<iframe src=” /api/v1/template_ticket.php?theme=2″ style=’width: 370px; height: 300px;’ scrolling=”no” frameBorder=”0″></iframe>
Method2 (Advanced):
This method is for those who are more comfortable with editing HTML and want their form to have a special look and feel or a tighter integration into their website. The only real requirement is that your website supports PHP for the transactions to occur.
You can download the development package here, it will contain 3 files.
· demo_server.php
o This is the only file you are required to edit, to have this working out of the box. Simply modify the following lines to match the primary admin account within your Shockey Monkey portal.
· demo_create_lead.php
o This is a very simplistic implementation of our current API to handle new contact creation, which in this instance is directed towards leads. You can modify the look and feel of this file to match your unique needs.
· demo_create_ticket.php
o This is a very simplistic implementation of our current API to handle new ticket creation. You can modify the look and feel of this file to match your unique needs.
Hank Newman
VP Development, ExchangeDefender