Quarantine vs. Search

Quarantine vs. Search

For the sake of allowing end users and partners ultimate control over their mail flow and logging, we have two solutions for tracking down mail. However, folks often confuse them and thus frustrate themselves based on their own pre-conceived notions on how X should work versus Y. So I’m going to take this opportunity to show you how each part works in hopes of alleviating some of these misconceptions.

The User Level offers a link to the Quarantine and there’s a search box.

The Quarantine holds items that are stored and available for release.


The Search (AND Spam Czar) hold a listing of all mail items, regardless of SPAM action taken. Meaning some of these cannot be released because they were either deleted or delivered based on your settings.


Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737