HTTP Error 417 – Expectations Failed

HTTP Error 417 – Expectations Failed

While this is a very uncommon error on the Internet nowadays, it does seem to be a widespread issue in today’s business relationships. What do I mean by this? How can an Internet error message be present in your business relationships with your clients? Allow me to explain…

When you enter into a business relationship with your clients (or with any entity for that matter), certain expectations are, well… expected between both parties. If you are an I.T. solutions provider, MSP, VAR, or whatever you want to classify your business as this year; your company is expected to provided any and all solutions to your clients in an agreed upon time frame and price. In return, your clients are expected to heed your expert advice and pay the agreed upon price for your services within an expected time frame.

These expectations should be agreed upon before any work begins. And those expectations are normally expressed in the form of a contract. Without some type of mutually agreed upon written document, you have no expectations.

Going Beyond Expectations – How to Retain Contract Client

While fulfilling all expected obligations contained within the contract is rewarding for both parties; that alone will not guarantee the client will renew that agreement.

“I don’t understand. I did my part in troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining your workstations, servers, and network!”

What many tech heads tend to forget is the human side of things—those hidden expectations that are not normally included in any business contract. Things like proper attitude, appearance, and respect for your clients’ work and time. Don’t think that these personal items go unnoticed. If a client doesn’t feel comfortable around you, why do you think they are willing to pay for that? In short, perform the duties that you mutually agreed upon, but also do those little things that make the go beyond written expectations. That is the key to retaining business and avoiding 417 errors with your clients!

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707