Carving out a Niche

Carving out a Niche

629565_timber_and_chiselSometimes IT companies can get caught up in all of the technology on the market. This latest solution, that latest service, this up and coming trend, and that gotta have device. Though diversifying your solution stack and providing many solutions appears to be the wave of the future, it is still in the best interest of IT providers to carve out a specific niche.

A niche or expertise in a specific solution, product, or vertical can help to provide an edge over competition and create demand for your company. True IT generalists may have a harder time finding prospects and clients that just need general work. This is where a niche comes into play.

Finding a niche can be as easy as doing what comes naturally. If you are naturally good at a specific piece of software, device, or service it is easy to transition to an expert status and exploit that expertise.

If there is a vertical that you have gained trust in, utilize that niche to drive more customers to your business. The key is in marketing your specific niche. Find the need, and market to that segment. As you gain customers looking for your specific expertise, ask them where they would advertise or who they would get involved with. It is easiest to find someone in the know and get information from them to formulate a good marketing strategy.

As you build your client base, make sure to get testimonials about the specific expertise you are building. This will add to the trust factor and help you to gain a reputation for your particular niche.

Building a niche can be an easy endeavor if you have a place to start. If you don’t have a specific function that stands out, look at your previous clients and find something that has interested you in the past. Find something that you can become passionate about and build your expertise around that.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777