If It’s Not Written Down, It Never Happened…

If It’s Not Written Down, It Never Happened…

copy-writingOver the past week, I have been in documentation mode. Recently, we released a major update to Shockey Monkey. On top of that, over the past two weeks we have been debugging the entire platform. With all the updates and changes, it was time to revise the all the documentation associated with the entire platform. This included Help Guides, How-To documents, White Papers, etc. Not to mention, we felt it was time to reorganize all this literature. So needless to say, it has been a busy two weeks. This got me thinking about when I ran my businesses and how it was vital to document everything within them. Hopefully, you are doing the same in your business.

In Customer Service and Support, documentation couldn’t be more important. Keeping up with your clients is a vital part of letting them know that you care about their business. Detailed documentation of support issues not only helps you remember who the issue was remedied, but it will help others that work with and for you. There is no sense in trying to remember a fix or when the last time you called a client to check on them. Half the time, we leave the house every morning forgetting something at home.

There is a saying around the office: If it’s not documented, it never happened. At this point, I am not concerned with how you are documenting, so long as you are documenting. Get into the habit of writing or typing in detailed information about your support fixes or customer touches. After that, work on a way to organize those notes. There are no less than two-dozen books on the very subject of organization. However, if you are looking for a free customer service and support management platform to help you out, call me up. I know a guy!

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707