ExchangeDefender Real Time Blacklist Process Change Report

Change Synopsis:
ExchangeDefender has changed how our inbound nodes will handle emails delivered to our server when the sending server is on a Real Time Blacklist (RBL). Previously, RBL listings would cause emails to be rejected and not able to be delivered to the recipient (even if requested). Now, when a server is listed on a public RBL, the message will score high enough to classify as SURE SPAM instead of rejected back to the sender.
Changes to how ExchangeDefender handles Real Time Blacklisting (RBL) of the senders server will be visible to both the and MSP Customers.
Customers with STORE / QUARANTINE see a dramatic increase of items in the SURE SPAM quarantine, including email quarantine reports.
Customers with TAG AND DELIVER will see a dramatic increase of sure spam items delivered to their inbox.
MSPs will have two settings to control how RBL listings are handled with regards to matching whitelist rules. By default, whitelisted senders will override the RBL listing and will allow the scanner to ignore the RBL entry. MSPs will have an option within the domain’s phishing configuration with regards to handling whitelisted senders who wind up on an RBL.