NEW: ExchangeDefender SPAM Manager Desktop App

We have been working on something cool based on the feedback from our clients. It’s a multi-platform app (Windows, Mac, Linux) that reminds you to check your SPAM, and when you do the message is just one click away – making it just as productive as Outlook & Outlook Web App.

It’s also a lot more secure.
Our portal remains the #1 way clients interact with ExchangeDefender at Most people already have it bookmarked. But for those that need a little extra push, a reminder (every 5/15/30/60 minutes) that there is SPAM waiting, a desktop notification, a secure way to access, read/reply/forward/delete the message – for you we have the ExchangeDefender SPAM Manager app:

If you have users relying on the legacy ExchangeDefender Quarantine Email Reports, this is it’s new secure version.
We are currently wrapping up beta testing the app across all three platforms, if you’d like to take a look please open a ticket at and we’ll send you the link!