ExchangeDefender Web Service Infrastructure Updates

ExchangeDefender Web Service Infrastructure Updates

Thank you for another fantastic year of keeping your email secure and reliable, killing SPAM and cyber threats has never been more fun. We’re finishing the year strong on a company-wide upgrade to our web services infrastructure.

We will be upgrading all of our web services and virtually every web site of ours you interact with for two reasons: 1) To prepare the infrastructure for amazing new features in 2025 2) To reflect on workloads being moved from browsers/desktops to mobile/API.

Over the years ExchangeDefender has grown a ton and as a cybersecurity company we’re often addressing realtime attacks. Hackers are creative, so we have to be creative too in order to stop emerging exploits from causing damage to our clients data.

How can I help?

We currently have our new infrastructure running in parallel with the existing ExchangeDefender, so you can easily experience the new stuff at When logged in as the Service Provider or Domain Administrator you will see a button right under your logo labeled TRY THE NEW BETA SITE:

You can always exit the beta experience by clicking on the “Leave Beta” button underneath. Note: If you switch back to production from beta make sure you refresh the page with Ctrl+Shift+R / Cmd+Shift+R and then restart your browser completely.

We encourage our clients and partners to test the new service, verify that your API integrations and plugins work. One thing you will notice is that the beta service is several orders of magnitude faster than our production stuff.

We expect to move all our workloads to the new web site by Wednesday, February 5th.