Show Me the Documentation!

Show Me the Documentation!

13901387_galUsually my blog tends to be more technical than dealing with the human side of support. That’s because usually high resource usage in support is caused by not researching reports or lack of understand of the technology. But there are a few every now and then that are an exception to the rule. We came across a difficult scenario a couple of days ago where a customer is having issues with a service. So of course we ask for documentation. Instead of providing the information requested, instead we get the “can’t you just fix it?”, yes we can if we can decipher what is wrong out of thin air.

One of things we sell to our customers as what separates us from the rest is support. I stand by that. We’re not the biggest fish, yet. But that allows us time to spend on fixing your issues, if you help us. Like a doctor or mechanic, we need to know where it hurts or where it smells like oil.

Going back to this case, so talked to the partner again, hey we’re standing by to help you can you give us anything? The second reply was, I just got yelled at over this! At this point we’re really empathetic and trying to explain to the guy, if you can’t tell us what is wrong and show us we can’t review it.

Guys I can’t emphasize this enough, I understand the emotions that come from getting chewed out. While some of you forget that while you post “You’re not getting it in the ear like we are!”, you’re doing it to us and I’m ok with it, it’s part of support. I understand. But if you could mix in the facts of the issue with some documentation so we can see or read what you’re seeing, you’d find that we can resolve your issues in a faster manner.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737