Driving Customer Loyalty and More Sales through Testimonials

Driving Customer Loyalty and More Sales through Testimonials

TestimonialsTestimonials have always been a great way to feature your product or service while providing validity to your company. You can typically see customer testimonials on marketing materials and websites to provide the biggest impact for potential customers.

It is always great to get an outstanding email or letter to use as a testimonial, but waiting for that to happen is no longer necessary. Video testimonials are one of the most effective testimonial strategies and are easier than ever to get.

As an IT professional it is imperative to visit your managed customers on a scheduled or regular basis. When visiting a client it is as easy as saying to a customer, “I would like to feature you guys on our website and was wondering if you can say a few words to describe your experiences with our service?”

You might be surprised at how easy this is and how many people will oblige with great things to say about your business, especially when put on camera. It is no longer necessary to hire a video production staff or cameraman to get candid shots of your customers to feature them on your website.

Most everyone in our industry carries some type of smart phone that includes an HD camera. All of these cameras provide video recording capability with a high quality output. Getting a short testimonial whether you are at a customer’s site, they are visiting your office, or a scheduled visit is a good way to gain additional customer loyalty and sales.

Sites like Youtube and Vimeo allow you to easily upload your footage which can be embedded in your website, providing links to both your company as well as to the company of your customer. This is a win/win situation for everyone as it provides an advantage for all.

The next step is to get out there and get some testimonials!

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777