Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

Online-Bingo-Tips-or-TricksQuite frequently, I receive emails or phone calls from our clients that have suggestions for our products and services. The majority of the time, the requested feature is already in place, but the partner didn’t know it was even available. To that extent, I am going to start a category of this blog called Tips and Tricks.

A feature request I heard this morning dealt with the Service Manager in the Own Web Now support portal ( A partner, who has quite a bit of hosted mailboxes, wanted a way to group the mailboxes by domain. He stated that browsing through the many address listed to make a change to one account was daunting. He allowed me to perform a session so I could be clear as to what he was referring to. I patiently listened and watched as he scrolled thru all his hosted Exchange mailboxes to demonstrate his frustration over the issue. He then said, “So you can see now, that grouping the mailboxes by their domains would be such an easier process. Is this something you guys could develop—the grouping of mailboxes by domain?”

“Absolutely,” I responded, knowing the solution already existed. “Would you mind if I fixed that for you right now? I just give me access to this session?”

A little taken aback about the immediate fix, he gave me permission of his mouse and I proceeded to:

*Click on the My Profile tab inside your Support Portal;

*Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and locate the Service Manager section;

*Click the down-down menu and choose:

       *Group accounts by domain – to group all your hosted mailboxes by domain; or

        *Show all accounts on one page – to show all your hosted mailboxes on one page.

*Click the Update button.

Depending on the option you chose to display, the next time you access your Service Manager to view your Hosted Exchange (or Essentials) mailboxes, that chose will reflect your new view. Needless to say, the partner was thoroughly impressed with this tip! “You guys should document this stuff! This is great!” Wish granted—again.

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707