How to Be Seen By Prospective Clients

How to Be Seen By Prospective Clients

Make Yourself Easy to Find

People need to be able to easily find YOU! When people and prospective clients are searching the Internet for the kind of products and services you offer, you want them to be able to find your company.  This means embracing SEO (search engine optimization.)  Easily, the single most important part of SEO is the number and quality of links pointing to your site.  Many people focus too much on stuffing key words into their web pages and blog posts, hoping this will boost their SEO, but neglect to focus on attracting good quality, organic links from great sites.  If none of what I just said makes sense to you, get some expert SEO help, if you are interested in diving deeper into that.

Have Something Worth Saying

clip_image002Whatever your product is, make it as valuable and as interesting as possible! Just like the attached picture in this post states, “Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers!” It is hard to stand out, when you are simply echoing what everyone else in your industry is saying or doing and then pursing hard after more and more customers with the same pitch time after time.  Here is a suggestion that could be very beneficial for you and your company: If others in your space are all pushing customers to products within your industry, start pushing products to your customers about the possible answers to their problems.  Be courageous enough to swim in the opposite direction of the rest of the crowd.  Whatever you do, make your message worth saying. Make sure that your products and services have a clear value-add. If you do, it will also be worth paying attention to and worth sharing!

Say It Well

Once you and your company are easy to find and you have something worth saying, you need to be able to say it well – To communicate your message and market your products/services as effectively as possible.  The good news is that everything I have mentioned in this post is a skill you can improve on.  Any business can improve their SEO, so they attract lots of targeted customers.  Any business can learn how to look at their industry more creatively and improve their skills, so prospective clients will actually want to buy what you have to offer.  That is why businesses like ExchangeDefender actually exist. We enable businesses to offer a variety of products and services so that they can have the tools to best fulfill the needs of their clients.

If you miss out any of those three steps, you are potentially placing a very low ceiling on your marketing potential.  Very few small businesses focus effectively on more than one of those areas, which is GREAT news for you!  It means that if you decide to do what is required to learn all three skills, you can achieve amazing results!!!

Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender