Five Ways to Build Your Brand While Giving Back

Five Ways to Build Your Brand While Giving Back

Volunteer-WorkersBusinesses have always embraced community outreach and charity through volunteering, donations, and general support. Beyond the satisfaction of helping, and the tax advantage; getting involved in the community can help to build your brand and provide a positive image for a company.

There are a number of ways to get involved while building your brand:

Volunteer – Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the community. Encourage your employees to get involved and make t-shirts for the team to support the cause while also featuring your business.

Sponsoring – Sponsoring events such as charity walks/runs, youth sports teams, golf tournaments, and local events can provide well branded logo displays, and much needed support within the community.

Host a Charity Event – Hosting a charity event can bring great press and recognition to your business. Whether this is a silent auction, mock casino night, reception and gala, or a host of other types of charity events; be sure to invite your best customers, prominent figures in the community, as well as local leaders, and media personnel.

Join an Organization or Club – There are a number of local clubs and organizations for business owners and employees to join. These are great networking opportunities and usually provide local outreach and charity within the community.

Become a Donation Center – There are a number of electronics based recycling programs looking for donation centers. These may include PC and monitors, cell phones, gadgets, batteries, and many other recycling programs. By becoming a donation center you may increase traffic, awareness, and build your brand through a local “green” movement.

Getting involved is a gratifying endeavor and one you will not regret. It can not only help to build your brand, but can also help to foster your business culture while at the same time strengthening your team.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777