
ExchangeDefender SPAM protection is a layered process that includes many components which together determine if a message is SPAM or not. While there are too many layers to list and the combination of what we use changes on an hourly basis, we wanted to share some detail of how our process works so you can understand it and explain it if necessary.

RBL – We use several free, commercial and our proprietary realtime blacklists that contain IP addresses of known spammers. These IP addresses typically belong to dialup, cable and DSL/fiber client addresses that shouldn’t be running a mail server, compromised/infected mail servers, unused IP ranges, compromised workstations and devices. These IP addresses account for a bulk of all SPAM mail and most of them will never even make it inside of the ExchangeDefender network.

Reputation blacklist – We use commercial and our proprietary reputation blacklists that indicate how trustworthy the IP address is – have they sent us a lot of SPAM in the past? Are they suddenly sending us hundreds of thousands of messages if they only accounted for 10 in the past month? Do they have legitimate DNS, reverse DNS.

URL blacklist – We use several commercial and our proprietary URL blacklists that identify web site addresses used in previously confirmed SPAM. If you’ve ever received a SPAM message you know that it had an external image or a link to a web site: we look at all web site links in an email and compare it to a list of known SPAM site targets.

Distributed checksums – We use several commercial and proprietary statistics models (warehouses) to determine the likelyhood of bulk mail. Because the only way spammers can distribute mail efficiently is through massive blasts, nearly all message bodies are identical. Each message has a unique signature (an MD5 checksum) that can be compared with other messages and when identical checksums are found it’s more likely that bulk mail is being sent.

Proprietary header checks – We use proprietary header and message checks to determine if the message is a part of an existing conversation between a third party and our own client. We also check if messages have been spoofed or if they have made their way through several gateways, if the language in the message does not match the language of the machine it was sent from, etc.

SPAM keyword and heuristic checks – We use a wide array of SPAM characteristic checks that take into the account the size of the message, subjects, fonts and images. For example, legitimate email typically doesn’t come without a subject or a subject that contains a lot of special characters, it doesn’t come without a persons name in the From line or other “weird stuff”. The “weird stuff” category is so wide and so contextual that it takes most of the time to process.

Now that you are familiar with some of our processes you’re probably getting the idea that SPAM filtering is very similar to the way virus scanning works – we use patterns from known SPAM messages and existing spammers to build a statistical model that tells us if a message is SPAM or not. It also explains why certain messages are delivered instantly while others may take up to a minute or longer to process (delayed header checks, suspicious web site in the email, conversation thread checks, temporary DNS failures or large attachments that require scanning)


We build most of our proprietary infrastructure based on your feedback – we look at the pattern of messages that you release which builds a model that adjusts scores along the way specifically for you – if you release a TON of messages with impotency drugs you are more likely to receive a Viagra message than another user that only releases financial newsletters. This is why your feedback through ExchangeDefender Outlook Addin is so valuable to us. When you hit “Report SPAM” that message is dispatched to us and reviewed by a live human being that generates a scan rule to eliminate that specific message in the future.

ExchangeDefender SPAM engine uses third party scanning engines with realtime data feeds and our own proprietary engine is updated hourly.

That may seem excessive but keep in mind that spammers adapt their message content for each batch – adding a different subject, different web site, different spacing and subjects every few thousand messages. In order for us to keep up the need for both the realtime update and constant reengineering of the SPAM engine itself is cruical to eliminating as much of the annoyance as possible.

How come SPAM messages slip through?

There is no such thing as a “slip through” when it comes to SPAM, all mail that is not sent by a sender on an RBL that passes our virus scanning is considered legitimate until proven otherwise. Tens of thousands of checks later (within a split second) calculate a score that identifies if message is SPAM (90% confidence) or SureSPAM (99.9%). There is no person on the gateway reading each message, the score is assigned by the computer based on the statistical model – so even if you looked at the message and could clearly tell it’s SPAM, the artificial intelligence is not quite there yet.

How come legitimate messages end up in SPAM quarantines?

Bad scanning methodology. For example, say you’re receiving a lot of “lotto” SPAM. Someone at ExchangeDefender may adjust your model to get really aggressive when it encounters the word “lotto” in the subject or headers. It works flawlessly, until you are sent a message by your business partner and the message is also copied to Lisa Lotto. This is clearly an oversimplification but it happens.

How come updates happen every hour and why does it take so long sometimes to make changes?

Most of the implied delay is due to the size and the scope of the ExchangeDefender network – to protect millions of people we have a very large network and very sophisticated layered infrastructure. Smaller updates are done very frequently (within an hour) but are staggered (happening at the different minute of the hour) because during engine reloads individual nodes cannot process inbound mail. If we restarted the engine on every node at the exact same time we’d basically shut the network down for a few seconds every hour.

Some large-scale changes (when we add a plugin or change our model analysis or whitelists or blacklists or new detection procedures) can take on the order of weeks or months. Typically we don’t deploy new software across the whole network – it is done in stages to eliminate anomalies in the deployment. Working with large scale distributed systems is different than managing individual servers, clusters or even networks: Changes to a globally distributed network with linked load balancers (while great for redundancy and service availability) is a challenge that requires careful monitoring and rollout procedures to minimize destabilization across the whole network.

We get hack attempts and DDoS attacks thousands of times an hour – the systems have an automated process for dealing with that activity – so when we roll out new software that makes the network overload quickly (and make it think it’s under attack) we have a big mess on our hands. This is why the rollouts are staggered and have a procedure that is at times excruciatingly long (especially if you’re sitting in the NOC watching the queues and your blood pressure goes up with every uptick in the percent utilization)

How come whitelists don’t always work and I have to whitelist the whole domain?

This is an inconsistent behavior that is reported from time to time and it has to do with the senders email address and client software. ExchangeDefender looks at the From line (the same one you see in Outlook) and whitelists only the senders actual address. This works 99.9999% of the time.

Some senders use impersonalization or sending on behalf of a different email address or use specific taglines in the From address that end up being randomly generated for each email. While Outlook may see message from Vlad Mazek <> the message itself may have come From: with a fingerprint used to track read receipts.

Long story short, if you have a person that is using these systems or CRM to alter the message for tracking/sales/marketing purposes, you can’t trust their From line for a whitelist, you will have to whitelist their whole domain. Good news is, this is typical for smaller domains and you’ll never be whitelisting all of or

How come there are delivery delays?

Our support team can help you with that.

Half the time the issue is related to the DNS and the other half is due to the temporary network or Exchange issues on the client side. Almost all of the tests we have done for our clients fall into these two categories and almost all of the things you can do to minimize delays are outlined in our deployment guide.

In the event that the issue is our fault due to network congestion, filter failure, virus scanner malfunction, DDoS, routing issue, misconfiguration, etc – the issue is noted at – please subscribe to the feed or @xdnoc or post your cell phone in our portal – we text, tweet, blog and (everything except email, for obvious reasons) notify you of any ongoing network issue that might impact service.

So much for tech..

Technology is only a piece of the whole puzzle.

This is going to sound cliché but I absolutely mean it 100%: At ExchangeDefender killing SPAM is our passion. Every piece of junk that passes through our network is unwelcome and we have people here around the clock working on eliminating it from making it’s way to your inbox. It’s a human process and it’s a technology process and the very practical implementation of artificial intelligence that learns and adapts in realtime to fight with SPAM. But just like training a dog takes time, training a computer is a challenge that requires consistency and strict implementation of the process, rules, management and monitoring. With millions and millions of messages passing through our gateways, even a slight insignificant modification can impact SPAM statistics models. It’s not something that’s “broken” that could be “fixed”, it’s just a process of continuous training that we take very seriously and enjoy very much.

Thank you for your business.

Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp

cw11Thank you to everyone that stopped by our ExchangeDefender booth at ConnectWise IT Nation 2012!! As usual, ConnectWise put on a great event at a beautiful venue with tons of valuable content and social interactions in an atmosphere conducive to learn and further build upon business relationships.  We had a lot of great conversations with some of our existing partners and also meet some potential new partners.

At our booth this year we decided to have a Spin-to-Win wheel and it was a huge success!! We gave away a ton of our services for FREE exclusively to those who gave the wheel a spin and landed on those offerings. In addition to the offers, we also had some big prize winners! See our ExchangeDefender Facebook page for more pictures!

We had a great event, and we look forward to ConnectWise IT Nation 2013!

Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender

Last week I had a great pleasure of introducing our partners to the ExchangeDefender Unicorn, a remote desktop monitoring solution built and designed by 30 of our partners with one simple goal: free. We wanted to arm our ExchangeDefender partners with a monitoring & management solution that would allow essential service monitoring and reporting, remote desktop access for help and support as well as reporting and seamless alert integration into the free Shockey Monkey business management infrastructure… for free.

You may notice that there is a big emphasis on the word free: We wanted to take the entire consideration for the economics completely out of the equation when it came to the monitoring of your clients infrastructure.

If you ever touched clients PC or server, you should be the first one to know when there is an opportunity to provide further value to the client.

Likewise, with the continued deterioration of the value MSP monitoring services, we wanted our partners to have a chance at playing on the same level as everyone else.

First thing I want to stress is that this is not an RMM, it is not designed to be one and it likely will not replace one if you’re leveraging some advanced automation features. It’s not about automating IT maintenance – our opinion is that the vendors that provide the software and hardware will build in those features and services out of the box for you.

It’s all about you – getting a layer of presence in the IT infrastructure of your clients be it on premise, legacy or cloud. Furthermore, it’s about building an engine of growth.

What does the Unicorn do?

For a full demo I hope you can take 30 or so minutes and watch the webinar we held last week.

ExchangeDefender Business Monitoring allows you to create complex alert templates to catch events from the system log and create tickets, send text messages or emails based on the severity of the issue. By building out templates you can monitor for different things and receive alerts in a way that makes sense.


All events that you want to monitor for are tracked through Shockey Monkey, by company and by user – so tickets can be automatically assigned to the proper resource and tied to the right customer for billing and reporting purposes.




Finally, if the issue requires direct interaction with the system you can quickly connect to the users desktop no matter where they are and either look over their shoulder or actually control the keyboard and the mouse.


It’s all about the advantage

ExchangeDefender Business Monitoring is currently in beta and it’s available for free to the folks that resell ExchangeDefender and our cloud services. The amount of free seats you’re entitled to is based on the amount of business you do with us and we hope that these additions encourage you to work with us more as we move to the cloud faster.

Let’s face it, this is not an RMM replacement. While many will certainly use it in such a way, we are more excited about the future of this product and the opportunity our partners have with us and Shockey Monkey.

Imagine a platform where a business owner can consolidate management of all their clients, vendors, billing, customer service and sales. Plenty of such platforms exist out there. But roll in a free IT management platform with a one-click connection to a service provider that can help manage it all – We have just that with Shockey Monkey and Unicorn. Now.. imagine tying in the cloud services with email, security reports, files, remote desktop access/view/support, punch clock tied with Outlook login tied with users daily browsing history connected with the email and ability to get insight into every activity of their business right down to what everyone is doing..

I hope you can picture it… because here we call that 2013. And yes, you can enjoy the beta of it today.

We hope you join us.

Vlad Mazek

Recently I have been receiving calls from new and existing partners in regards to the process of setting up their ExchangeDefender Admin portals, specifically ExchangeDefender Essentials. It has been a long time since most of you have had to create your Service Provider portal, but with the addition of ExchangeDefender Essentials there has been an influx in the creation of Service Provider portals. So consider this a refresher course!

AdminAs many of you know, ExchangeDefender is a very robust product; therefore we provide an entirely separate portal to manage anything ExchangeDefender related. When you sign up to become a partner with ExchangeDefender you are immediately sent credentials to our support portal. The support portal is where you order all of your services, including the initiation of your Service Provider portal.

There are two separate admin portals for ExchangeDefender, one for the full version and one for the Essentials version. If you have not already created each portal, I encourage you to go ahead and create the remaining one or both; the process is simple and takes just a few minutes.

To create the Essentials portal

· Login to your Support Portal

· Click on the Service Manager Tab

· At the very bottom of the page there is an option for ExchangeDefender Essentials, click subscribe.

· Then click the plus sign.

· Next, the Second page of the order form will ask you for a MSP ID; this will be your username, so we suggest using your company name. You will also be asked for a product name, you may choose anything you’d like, some examples include ownwebnow filtering service, ownwebnow email security service, and ownwebnow cloud security solution.

· The next screen will finalize your order and the credentials for will be sent to you.

· If you haven’t already created a portal for the full version of ExchangeDefender, go back to the support portal, click on the service manager, and on the right hand side there is a box with a list of services, click on New ExchangeDefender SP. You will be asked for the same information, but your MSP IP will have to be a variation of your previous MSP ID. So if you used your company name, you will need to add something additional to it, if you are incorporated I suggest using ownwebnowinc, or ownwebnowcorp, whatever works best for you.

If you have not created your admin portals and you’re looking to sign up for Hosted Exchange, there is no need to create an admin portal, the portal will automatically provision for you once you have ordered your Hosted Exchange accounts.

I hope this clears up any ambiguity, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at: or by phone , 877-546-0316 x739.

Anastasia Wiggins
Partner Communications Manager, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x739

Recently, ExchangeDefender launched a product that many of our partners have been eagerly waiting for: LocalCloud. Many of you may be thinking that we at ExchangeDefender are arriving a little late to the Cloud file sharing game; but you would all be incorrect! Most will try to compare us to the larger, more recognized players in the Cloud file sharing niche; and again, you would be missing the point of LocalCloud.

“So, Michael, what is your point concerning LocalCloud?”

My point is simply this: People are still scared of the Cloud. More accurately, they are concerned about certain attributes of the Cloud: Data location, data security, and most importantly; data availability.

“Where is my data?”

“Is my data secured?”

“My Internet is down! I can’t access my data!!!”


Enter LocalCloud. In business, you need to know that your data is secure, you need to know where it is stored, how it is protected and you need the people you can count on to help you with backups, regulatory compliance, data leakage, and access concerns.

With ExchangeDefender LocalCloud software, the behavior of the desktop does not change – files are still available locally and can be accessed as fast as any other file on the desktop. Sync, reporting and backups are done on the backend without client interaction and without purchasing expensive backup and encryption products.

What we have accomplished with LocalCloud is taking the features of the Cloud and combining them with the accessibility of the local network. When you do this, businesses grow and flourish.


For more information about ExchangeDefender LocalCloud and how to get started offering this service to your clients, visit: or pick up the phone and give me a call!

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707

When we originally launched LocalCloud (we called it “CloudShare” back then) it was meant to be a simple addon to the ExchangeDefender portfolio that was already stretching far beyond email. The amount of feedback and outright demand for the product caused perhaps the biggest shift in development resources we’ve ever had – to take this addon file sharing feature and turn it into a full blown client/server storage application fit for workgroups.

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to see what we’ve built:

Wednesday, October 10th

Noon, EST

The webinar will be recorded and posted here shortly following the event.

We built LocalCloud differently from all the file sync products on the market today because we know that small businesses work differently from consumers that those solutions are built for: small businesses demand speed, security, audit logs, file control and plenty of assurances that their data will stay safe. We’ve gone a step beyond that:


In LocalCloud 2.0 we now have shared folders, access to which can be granted and removed directly from the ExchangeDefender user interface that the users are already familiar with and deal with daily for SPAM reports and business continuity. Same application – same management.

Due to a ton of demand we’ve also built in a process to lock files. For example, let’s say you’re editing an important document that you don’t want another user on the network to modify. You can check the file out, preventing anyone else write access until you’ve completed your work.

Lot’s of other surprises, business model implementations and feedback from our partner community will also be shared.

P.S. We might even say a thing or two about the Unicorn, but you have to tune in for that one. Smile

Vlad Mazek
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500

1292833522shopping_1If you want to boost your sales figures or just increase the number of clients you have, here is a quick marketing tip for you to remember: “People buy for their reasons, not yours!”.

Many small business owners make the mistake of selling their services, based on what THEY think matters.  In other words, they look at their products or services and because they know it so well, they assume they ALSO know why each individual prospective client would want to buy it! That is the wrong thought process when it comes to maximizing your marketing efforts and sales profits!

Buying Motives

Focus on Buying Motives!!! Maybe you noticed but in the last paragraph I used the word ‘individual’?  This is mainly because people have their own, individual motivations for making a purchasing decision.  In marketing and sales it is called a buying motive. If you try to sell or market your service to someone based on what you assume will be of most importance to them, you will most likely lose their interest.  However, if you take a moment to discover what matters to your prospective client base, you will know exactly what to focus on.

Discovering the buying motives of your clients and then focusing on what they need will not only increase their interest but also can increase your return rate tenfold!

Here is a quick example to illustrate this thought process.  A few years ago, I was going to get my first smart phone! I visited a local phone store and was instantly greeted by a salesperson.  He asked me how he could help. I proceeded to tell him I was looking to buy a new phone; he then asked me a few simple questions:

· What would I be using the phone for?

· What features and capabilities I wanted?

· Who was my provider?

· Do I have a contract?

· What my budget was?

After giving him my answers, he was able to point me in the direction of a small selection of phones that did exactly what I was looking for.  Then, by answering my questions, we were able to spot a clear winner.  The sale was a success because he discovered my buying motives and focused everything on getting me a phone that fit my needs.  I got a great phone and he made an easy sale! When you look for what a client needs it turns into a win-win situation!

Also, discovering someone’s buying motives always allows you to provide better service to them.  With this example above, at no point did I even feel like I was being sold to.  It felt like he was using his knowledge to advise and direct me rather than sell, so that I could make the right decision based what I needed. 

You can apply this idea to the IT world as well to better cater to the needs of your clients. Many products and services that you have in your solution sets will help clients to fix pain points that they have and you just also need to ask the right questions and offer them the services that they are looking for and see a need for in their businesses.

Upon speaking with a prospective client or customer for the first time, always make sure that your primary focus is to establish what is most important to them and what they are looking for.  If you get it right, people will never feel like you are selling to them, but rather providing them with what they need or fixing a pain point for them.  You will also come across as a professional who is helping them make the best decision possible, based on their needs – not yours!

Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender

This blog post is a follow up to Hosted Exchange Outbound Suspensions posted on June 20th, 2012.

Yesterday we began to roll out a custom transport agent on our Hosted Exchange network to perform automated monitoring of sent message counts for each user. The first phase of this roll out is to collect analytics and fine tune our threshold values.

Starting Monday, September 10th 2012 all hosted exchange users will be monitored for threshold breaches of outgoing (external) messages against a “Short time” and a “Daily” threshold value.

Short period
Monitor length: 15 minutes
Value: 100 messages

Long period
Monitor length: 24 hours
Value: 500

Any user who breaches threshold during the analytics period will receive a courtesy email to warn them about their threshold breach against our current threshold values. Once the analytics period ends (Estimated for the end of September 2012) we will send warning messages once the user is near 80% of the threshold and then an automated suspension will be issued once threshold is breached.

Travis Sheldon
VP, Network Operations, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x757

Today I had a great pleasure to talk to a bunch of our partners on a live webinar about our new ExchangeDefender CloudShare product. With over 2,000 partners that have rolled it out, questions and feature ideas have been more than we ever anticipated and we really look forward to building it out. I think we’ve really come out with something that far too many business IT solution providers are looking for and I hope it makes as many of you as much profits as possible. Without further delay, feel free to download the webinar below and enjoy at your convenience.

ExchangeDefender CloudShare Q&A Webinar

Download Video (47 minutes, 60Mb)

GoToMeeting Codec

Now I understand that many of you do not have the time to listen to it all so I will try to hit the highlights in this blog.


In short, thank you. The success of ExchangeDefender is far beyond what we ever anticipated and to have this level of adoption and this level of connection between our users our partners and our teams is absolutely amazing. As a developer, you never quite know how your idea is going to resonate with the marketplace – and when it plays out this well you just count your lucky stars and continue to work hard.

ExchangeDefender CloudShare is a part of ExchangeDefender. The only way you can get it (and yes, it’s free for the moment and will be grandfathered for everyone that rolls it out) is with ExchangeDefender. We may eventually open it up to anyone but as far as 2012 goes, you can only go through an ExchangeDefender partner and get it with your solution powered by one of our partners. I know that may not be too appealing to everyone but we owe this company and these products to our partners who stuck with us through the thick and thin. I know that some of you reading this had to make a business decision to go with one of our competitors – and I understand and respect that as a business man – yet without our loyal partners we never would have been able to build this. We are a living proof of what happens when you take care of business, when you take care of your partners and continue to build a solution around everyone’s interest not just your own. So we owe it to our partners, loyalty is a pretty big thing among decent people and I cannot thank you enough.

What I can do is keep on guiding my teams and building the kids of solutions that will stand unmatched in the marketplace. Thank you for supporting me, for supporting ExchangeDefender, for promoting us to your clients, recommending to your peers and for helping us become more than an antispam provider. Lot’s of people would love to be able to say that and I am thankful that due to you choosing ExchangeDefender we can continue to build this company together.

Currently Available

CloudShare 1.0. CloudShare 2.0 is coming this Fall and will be rolled out gradually.

What is it? Client-side application with cloud-based file storage, continuously sync’d back and forth. In this pretty common digital locker concept the user can map a folder to a drive letter and every file dragged to the drive, saved on the drive, etc is uploaded to our cloud servers and then replicated to another data center for backups.


Everything is encrypted in transit and in storage. Storage is object based, it is not a raw file system with traditional folder/file structure that our employees can simply browse to. The level of access control auditing we have in place and our process assure that your files are for your eyes only.

What is next?

CloudShare for the Mac as well as iOS/Android is in development stages and we expect to have it out this fall/winter.

Among the most popular features coming in CloudShare 2.0:

– Shared folders, so multiple employees can work on files
– Version control
– File-locking and open-file alerts for user groups
– Web based logging and access tracking
– iOS/Android as well as Mac OS X native clients

– ExchangeDefender LocalCloud

What is the ExchangeDefender LocalCloud

With all of your email, social footprint, Exchange, SharePoint and now CloudShare in the cloud, how do you assure your business continuity if we were to go out of business?

ExchangeDefender LocalCloud is a physical appliance or virtual machine that you can host on your own network or in your clients office. Each appliance/vm will mirror all the data in the cloud and create a local cache of all the cloud data. We will build user interfaces and API to interact with this information and create your own backup procedures.

This is exactly the opposite of how every on-premise network is built. Typically on premise networks consist of extremely expensive overpowered servers with multiple redundant drives or storage controllers. Add on expensive backup software with a BDR appliance. On top of it you have an expensive cloud backup solution. By the time you make it to the cloud you have replicated every piece of data at least six times and those costs pile up fast to make on premise networks unappealing. Cloud makes a much more scalable and more cost effective solution a reality – so long as you accept no control over that data whatsoever: CloudShare allows you not to have to make that compromise. You can have your cloud and keep your data on your network, through a much more economical common sense approach. Let the cloud provider worry about compliance, audits, backups, maintenance, server purchase and warranties – but keep your own safety net.

LocalCloud is simply the best of both worlds. Just far more affordable.

How do I order it?

You have to first enable ExchangeDefender CloudShare at


Once you enable it all your users will have their free 1GB allocation ready. You cannot pool it.

If you need more storage you can order it at any time. Go through the standard order process at ExchangeDefender by going to and select Service Manager > CloudShare. These features are also built into your own Shockey Monkey portal. Select the domain and the user you wish to give more storage to and then select the amount of data they should be able to upload. Done.

What about EU/UK and ICO’s Safe Harbor regulations?

In a nutshell, Safe Harbor is not something that affects CloudShare. I described this at length during the webinar and the behavior and functionality of ExchangeDefender CloudShare do not in any way access your files or documents in a way that would cause concern. Since we do not process the information to present advertising content nor do we make your data available in any way, you are not transfering data contents to a third party, you are simply storing it in a way that complies with Transborder Data Flows requirements (see for details).

I’m still not convinced.. are you sure nobody is going to look at my files?

In CloudShare 2.0 we will enforce IP restrictions so you will have an additional layer of protection.

Everything is encrypted so there is not a lot of chance of someone sniffing your data in transit.

Storage on our network is not on a Windows 2003 server with your conventional folders and files laying around in a structured way. Objects are stored in databases and in chunks – there is no way for direct access to be able to reassemble the file or know what they are looking at.

As for our employees.. trust me, they are so beaten and overworked that the only site they likely want to see is And we even block that on the company firewalls so no worries. There is no hope.


Thank you. Thank you so very much. We are happy to have so many enthusiastic partners with so many great ideas, suggestions and eagerness to deploy our latest solution. You make ExchangeDefender possible and you make us innovate at a faster rate than I ever expected. We look forward to this journey together and please tell your friends and peers about us because our partner program will be shut down in it’s current form at the end of the year so if you want to work with us now is the time to get aboard.

Vlad Mazek
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500

We have been absolutely overwhelmed with the CloudShare interest and popularity. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This product is the result of partner feedback spanning nearly a year and it’s taken a lot of effort to get us to this point – so we wanted to thank you and offer it for free to the people that jump in and enable their users to revolutionize how they store and manage their files. As a matter of fact, everyone who rolls out CloudShare now and starts using it will be grandfathered into free storage once CloudShare v2 ships this fall. It’s a single click on your ExchangeDefender portal and a single download to get it going.

The amount of questions (most of which have been answered in the webinars and web pages and help) has been off the charts and we are doing our best to get to everyone as fast as possible. There is also a matter of strategy: how do I roll this out in a profitable way for me and a meaningful way for my clients to solve the challenges they face? That is not a “oneliner” type of an answer. I am planning two webinars next week (hopefully one is convenient) to answer these questions and more:

Tue, Aug 7th at Noon EST Time (5 PM GMT)

Wed, Aug 8 at Noon Sydney Time

In the meantime, here are some resources:

CloudShare Quickstart Guide

CloudShare Feature Overview

CloudShare Deployment & Installation Guide

CloudShare Storage Upgrade (“Can I get more than 1GB?”)

CloudShare Software Download

CloudShare Comparison Flyer

Introducing CloudShare: ExchangeDefender CloudShare Webinar (30mb)

^ You might need a GoToWebinar Codec

Most of the questions have already been answered but we know you’re busy and don’t have to read or watch everything we put out – so hopefully the Q&A webinar will give you, your marketing, your sales and tech guys a chance to pick our brain live. In the meantime, just give us a call – or do nothing, we’ll be calling our top partners over the next few weeks to discuss this service and we look forward to getting you aboard.

Here are the most popular questions so far:

Have you got the Safe Harbor stuff figured out for EU and UK customers?
Will there be a local server for Australia?
How can I brand the MSI with our logo/colors/name?
Will there be a versioning feature?
Will there be a notification when one user opens a file that is already open by another user?
Will there be a way to share files with other users?
Will there be a way to share it with people not in the company (integration with ExchangeDefender Web Sharing?)
Will there be a mobile/iOS app for this soon?
How do I buy extra storage? Can I get 3GB or 5GB?
How does this compare to _____?
What is free? Is it really free? For how long?
I have a client that has 50TB, can we get a pricing break?
Can Vlad stop buying Ducati’s and Ferrari’s and fix my bugs?

So answers to all that and more… in a week! In the meantime – enjoy CloudShare and keep on sending us your feature requests, ideas and feedback! Our success is 100% tied to your success so we’re building a service that you know you can make a profit off, not licensing some third party tool to play me-too games. This is business and we look forward to helping you do more of it!

Vlad Mazek
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500