ExchangeDefender Snow Storm Special Webcast
Many of our partners across North America are snowed in and need some entertainment: Join Vlad Mazek, CEO of Own Web Now and chief architect behind ExchangeDefender for a demo and live walkthrough of all the new features in ExchangeDefender. It starts in an hour:
Brief registration is required, as is a sense of humor. It’s a live, unscripted demo! Starts at 2 PM EST today, February 11th.
ExchangeDefender Encryption & Compliance Archiving
Last week we introduced ExchangeDefender Encryption and ExchangeDefender Compliance Archive. Both features are free for ExchangeDefender clients and built into the product. Thanks to your overwhelming feedback, both are also capable of being enabled or disabled per domain so that you can create multiple levels of ExchangeDefender for your client base.
Please take a moment to watch a ExchangeDefender Encryption & Compliance Archiving launch video.
I know it’s a cliché, but help us help you! We’re soliciting commentary about the following video:
Preliminary Training Video: Encryption Video
The idea behind this documentation video is to provide our MSP & Enterprise partners with the video you can place on your own web sites and showcase your own image. When you view the video please note that we will be recording individual videos for our partners with the first and last slide completely branded for you. We’ll also be providing the script and the PowerPoint so you can record your own modifications or voiceovers.
The big idea is that ExchangeDefender 5 is your product and as you build a revenue stream on message security, compliance and encryption it helps to project your own image and your own brand.
Vlad: We’ve heard it over and over again about the pain our partners go through when they onboard the clients and have to train them. We understand why you don’t place training videos on your web site, but we want to meet you half way – we’ll produce videos branded for you and our marketing team will help integrate ExchangeDefender and eventually all of OWN into your brand.
So please, send feedback to and let us know if we’ve missed anything. Audience is the IT administrator or end user and it’s produced primarily for our partners. We will have different training videos for our partners and our partners staff.
With these features, our ExchangeDefender migration and launch is complete. Please keep on pouring in the feedback, as most of you know, we’ve adapted ExchangeDefender as we’ve rolled it out and it is one of the things we intend to sustain. We’re listening and you can scroll through this blog for evidence that we’re taking your feedback and putting it to work QUICKLY.. This new ExchangeDefender has been out for less than 2 months and it’s by far the most popular thing we’ve ever done so for that.. Thank you!
ExchangeDefender Re-re-releases & Previews
Earlier today we had a fairly embarrassing circumstance that came out as a result of our weekend migration. You can read about it here in detail, suffice to say the messages were not releasing from the SPAM quarantines due to a change in the reserved words in SQL. What I’m getting at is that as a developer you have to have a sense of humor about what you do when undocumented, unknown issues get past the test suites and make you look like a fool.
But as the demotivator says: Perhaps your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. Today was one of those days and even though we isolated the issue very quickly, we still looked like fools and the team was determined not to have this issue come up again. We sat down and developed a solution to the issue of message releases.
Web Re-Release Feature
Scenario in the long long ago (yesterday): When a message is released it is taken out of the quarantine view because it makes no sense to keep on displaying the quarantined messages once they have been released.
New! (as of 4 PM): When you access the quarantine view you will now see another icon toggling the display of released messages. By default, once you release the message, it will not be displayed in the listing. But if you click on the released message button, we will show you all the messages you released recently. We will still have full preview of the message available and the ability to trigger a release again!
It may seem trivial, but it’s quite valuable: MSPs spend a lot of time trying to assist users with SPAM releases that get eaten by antivirus, antispam, IMF or anything else in between – and since we got to taste that frustration in our own failure today, you can kiss that problem goodbye.
Email Digest Preview
Once upon a time (this morning): If you attempted to release an email or trust a sender directly from the email SPAM Report you would only get the message vitals – from, to, subject and date.
New! (as of about noon): Now when you release a message from a SPAM report you get a full message preview. No more wondering what that message contained if it didn’t get there immediately or guessing if you just whitelisted a forged SPAM – you’ll know immediately! With full HTML rendering and images.
I apologize for the inconvenience this issue caused and I can tell you that everyone @ OWN was all over the issue immediately both trying to fix it right away and help our partners and users. When we fixed it we didn’t just move on – we decided to immediately implement features that are going to be valuable to our partners right away.
This is the level of commitment my entire team has to our partner and client base. I want you to know that I truly appreciate your business and if you like this feature you owe a bit of gratitude to the team at Readycrest Ltd: Paul Bonathan, Chris Walton and Justin Sands spent a lot of time past the the quitting hours to help us test and deploy this.
Have a wonderful day!
Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
Changes to IP and SPF records for ExchangeDefender
We’re growing, again, and that means more IP addresses and more networks. We expect a new growth bump to require additional hardware that will be added during Q1 and Q2 of this year so please keep an eye on this page.
Moving & Maintenance on
Our shared mail hosting infrastructure is moving. We’re going from to With the additional bandwidth and carriers, the network change will speed up the response time and transfer on larger attachments.
If you have your DNS record managed by us, there is nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of it.
If you have your DNS record managed externally, and have records that point to manually – you will need to make changes. Since we don’t know where your record is or if you aren’t using us (you should be, that’s the assumed operational state) there is no way for us to notify you beyond this blog post so make sure that you make the change ASAP. The IP address at will cease to operate Monday, January 25th, 2010.
We have a scheduled maintenance window at 10 PM EST on Thursday, January 21st, during which time there will only be intermittent access to our mail infrastructure.
ExchangeDefender SPF records
If you are using SPF records as a part of your domain name to limit joe-job’s and spoofing you’re probably aware of having to manually add IP addresses to it when a new ExchangeDefender outbound network is created. Good news – you don’t have to do it manually any more! Just add the following directive to your SPF record (in bold):
“v-spf1 –all”
Adding the to your SPF TXT field will include all of the defined outbound SMTP servers used by ExchangeDefender so you don’t have to manage them manually. Naturally, you should also list all of your other SMTP servers that relay mail for your domain. Note: ExchangeDefender does not offer technical support for SPF records as they are not a part of our service. However, if you wish to use them and know how to implement them, ExchangeDefender is making it easier to track our records.
ExchangeDefender Web Security Launch
Dear Partners,
Please join me this Thursday (January 7th @ 3 PM EST) for a live webcast covering the launch of ExchangeDefender Web Security Suite. The webcast will be live and you’re welcome to dial in and post questions. If you cannot make it, recording will be available for download later on Thursday.
What’s the topic? It’s become evident that threats are migrating from the email and SPAM to the web where few users are adequately protected. Even worse, most users have little or no protection outside of their corporate offices while most users browse the web with older and unpatched browsers that make easy targets. As more of our applications and communications move to the web, ExchangeDefender is launching the following products this Thursday:
ExchangeDefender Web Filtering – Agent based web filtering solution is designed for Windows PC’s and operates as a service that blocks URL requests at the TCP level. This way we can intercept dangerous traffic even if it is sent through anonymizer proxy or a port other than 80/443. Because each agent is user authenticated, each ExchangeDefender can have their own block policy that is refreshed every hour with either your custom URL lists or over 80 categories of web sites sorted by content.
ExchangeDefender Web Sharing – The web sharing and collaboration needs have grown beyond the feature offerings of FTP and ExchangeDefender is delivering a platform for file sharing and distribution. ExchangeDefender Web Filtering allows users to upload content to their private site, email links, be notified when downloads happen, automatically destroy files after a certain amount of time and more.
ExchangeDefender LDAP Integration – For larger enterprises, user management is a pain. With ExchangeDefender LDAP integration, our user list is in complete sync with your Active Directory or any other LDAP user database. Our agent monitors any account modifications, additions and deletions and replicates them to the ExchangeDefender network.
We will continue to release new components of ExchangeDefender throughout January and February because the scope of our platform is immense – we want to explore and collect feedback on each and every piece and make sure our partner base is educated.
We are holding partner Lunch & Learn events where either I or one of my senior engineers will walk your staff through our product and discuss any integration ideas or best practices. If you’re interested, let me know.
So tune in:
Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
ExchangeDefender 5 UI Changes Webcast Available
Just a brief note to bring you up to date with the ExchangeDefender 5 launch and all the wonderful stuff that is coming with it. If you didn’t get a chance to join me during one of the three webcasts last week, don’t worry, you can download it now and watch it at your own pace:
Download ExchangeDefender 5 UI Webcast
Please watch the video in full screen, on my Windows 7 system it started with a black screen and I could not see the presentation without resizing.
The Progress So Far
Things are going remarkably well with the new release and the few issues that we have faced so far have been addressed very quickly. We have all hands on ExchangeDefender at the moment and are doing all we can to make the product rock solid and inform everyone of the changes and get you to take what I feel is once in a lifetime sale you will see in ExchangeDefender. ExchangeDefender 5 is a radical change in our business model and really the first in our industry, so we want to thank those of you that have helped us build it. The promotion runs through March 1st or first 250,000 mailboxes, whichever comes first.
So far so good! Thank you for your business and keep those emails coming, I’m really happy to read the market response about ExchangeDefender 5!
ExchangeDefender 5 Released – Update Policy
Thank you all for helping us with ExchangeDefender 5 – it is now up and running and the new UI’s are drawing a lot of attention. So far everything is moving well but I wanted to share the official policy when it comes to addressing bugs and issues.
Through Jan 1st, 2010 we will be making daily updates to the portal to patch any bugs and optimize the site as much as we can. I’d like to ask for your patience and documentation of anything that seems out of place, we are working on the product constantly for the next few weeks.
You will be receiving an update on every new domain added and we will manually check each new account creation, deletion and modification to make sure everything is operating flawlessly.
As mentioned on the webcast, ExchangeDefender 5 is a fully modular system and we do not anticipate releasing another point release in the future. Updates, enhancements and optimizations along with new features will be released on a monthly and quarterly basis from now on.
Again, thank you for your patience and your business – we hope you enjoy ExchangeDefender 5!
Vlad Mazek, MCSE, CEO Own Web Now Corp
P.S. Webcasts will be released this week.
ExchangeDefender 5.. So Far
Last week I got the pleasure of finally unloading the business pitch about ExchangeDefender 5 and all the features we’ve built for this new business model.
If you missed the webcast, you can download it here.
If you have any questions about what we’re up to or how it stacks up with what you’re currently using – please take the compete challenge.
Make no mistake, there is no comparison to the feature set, price or organization that stands behind the solution. Simply, none. Take a look at the PDF and find another SAS 70 Type II audited company that will deliver all that for 75 cents / mailbox and you’ll be right back here. We worked very hard to build this offering and make our partners winners in 2010. We’ve made serious investments and addressed some of the “you’ll never see that happen” concerns and comments we’ve gotten over the years.
So let’s talk about some less-than-glamorous changes in ExchangeDefender 5:
SMTP tempfail
Our new SMTP implementation has reduced the inbound mail flow by 91%. It went live with ExchangeDefender 5 backend which is the reason why you have so little SPAM to deal with or review all of a sudden.
“I have to admit that I never looked at the old reports because they had nothing but junk. I love the new short list and it still hasn’t caught a single piece of real mail. Nice combination!”
What does this mean for you? Well, less SPAM to review. Less likelyhood that the user will blindly whitelist a forged address and let a ton of SPAM in. Less storage on the server. More attentive users. Less SPAM or accidental whitelist slippage. Overall, less nightmares.
Want more? ExchangeDefender will give you an option (for free) to queue up to 1 month of SPAM on our servers. This way, if you take a 3 week vacation, you can still access the SPAM that got trapped while you’re out. Nobody else does this.
Support Tiering
Once upon a time, I answered the phone. Every time.
That’s because I was the only one working at Own Web Now Corp.
Grow by leaps and bounds and you get a logistical nightmare of providing expert support, knowledge and customer service around the clock. At the end of the day, we are paid for our performance and reliability (SLA) – not for the customer service and brownie points. The new support escalation process has been fantastic, we got a ton of great comments and we’re still working out all the details as well.
But don’t take my word for it, here is the impression our partners get:
“I called in to Travis today to ask about the intended cutover process (was it worth me getting something rolling now before the upgrade or should I wait?) I have to tell you that might have been the (good) Customer Service example of the month (although his competition at Intuit yesterday left him plenty of room). He answered all the questions directly and more importantly I was impressed with what he did with the ones he COULDN’T answer. He excused himself momentarily as he wrote them down on the whiteboard to insure he asked (whomever) before he got back to me. He confirmed my email address and phone number and then proceeded to tell me what he was going to do and by when. (And he did all of that in an accent I could understand!)
If you have an employee of the <timeframe> – I nominate Travis. Not for going above and beyond. Not for being outstanding. Just for doing his job well and leaving this individual with a perception of having been well taken care of. He didn’t fix all my sh*t but he did his job so well, I didn’t care. That’s all we ask for with customer f*ckig service.”
We don’t consider our support a cost center – we consider it to be a key feature in our service. Our new escalation let’s everyone document the case, the smartest and right person to solve the problem and the nicest and most market aware person to call you back when you have a true problem.
The Backend
ExchangeDefender 5 has been live on the backend and running flawlessly for a while now. In addition to reducing the load, reducing the SPAM counts and making the overall system more effective we have noticed the following changes:
- Lowest whitelist / blacklist activity of the year (fewer false whitelists of forged addresses)
- Faster login and message search due to database compression
- Faster message delivery due to the elimination of deliver/deliver across different SPAM confidence levels that got misused.
- No complaints about delays.
- No complaints about the whitelists with the new MagicKey infrastructure.
We have made the system more efficient, less burdensome and managing SPAM has become an afterthought. Now we turn to making profits with everything else ExchangeDefender brings you free of charge.
Next Steps
Our new User, Domain Administrator and Service Provider UI launches this week (on December 8th) and if you’re technical you need to be there. I will be holding three live webinars and launching ExchangeDefender 5 in the final one, at 10 PM. Here are the webinars, the first two have just a few seats left:
Tuesday, December 8th, 7 AM – 8 AM EST
So to review:
If you missed the first webcast, download it from here and find out the business proposition. If you are currently not on ExchangeDefender, you seriously need to figure out what you’re missing. Finally, register for the 3 webcasts due next week to showcase the new UI launch. So far, things are going great!
Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
P.S. One of my competitors in this space that I have a pretty good relationship with told me today that I’m killing him and when the torture will be over. Which brings me to the funny conversation I had in the parking lot earlier tonight as we were leaving the office and I tried to fill in a few holes in the details. My coworkers response: “Wow. We are going to be doing all that?” – yep, folks, it’s on.
Big changes at ExchangeDefender
We have some new and exciting changes coming to ExchangeDefender with the new release now less than two weeks from launch. However, I wanted to introduce you to some network-wide changes and explain them to the best of my ability so you can clearly communicate them to your clients.
If you take a look at and sign up for one of our webcasts, you will notice that there are a ton of new features coming to ExchangeDefender. We are also running a huge sales special. No, we are not a car lot, we don’t “make it up with volume” but by optimizing our technology.
Starting November 23, 2009 we will no longer accept messages from known spammers that have been listed on SpamCop and SpamHaus realtime blacklists. We have used SpamCop and SpamHaus to automatically drop non-whitelisted messages into the SureSPAM quarantine and during that time we have had less than 0.0000000001% release rate with an overwhelming number of released messages being forged junk messages. To put it even more plainly, even the messages from these servers that our clients thought were legitimate turned out to be fraudulent.
This has become even more obvious lately as spoofing has become more and more common. Say a client whitelists “” or “” domain. ExchangeDefender will look at the header of the incoming message and even though we know it’s on multiple RBL’s, we will accept it and deliver it to the user as a non-spam. This has increased the complaint rate by our users who say more and more SPAM is getting through while they knowingly whitelisted domains that are often spoofed.
We will be joining almost all of the other major providers that do not accept mail from the known SPAM addresses.
Wait, you’re going to be deleting my mail?
No. We will only be deferring them. Every message reviewed by ExchangeDefender and confirmed to be on a RBL will be temporarily deferred (not accepted) and the remote senders server will attempt to send the message again later. Since messages on SpamCop and SpamHaus are not accepted by any of the large service providers, the sender will be alerted by dozens of other recipients who automatically reject messages on RBL networks. They will not only not be able to send mail to you but to anyone else.
We believe that if the sender is legitimate, they will address the RBL situation quickly and messages will be delivered to us promptly. However, if they are a known source of SPAM and choose to do nothing about distributing viruses and/or SPAM we have to do what’s in the best interest of the network and all the users that it protects.
We don’t expect this to be an issue as it really is a norm in the industry and virtually nobody knowingly accepts SPAM from addresses on these large, reputable commercial RBLs. SpamHaus and SpamCop come with excellent reputation and our own statistical models indicate that this will be a nonissue. This policy has been in place with our Exchange 2007 hosting network and our virtual web / mail hosting platform for over a year without complaints.
But we wanted you to know why your SPAM counts will drop dramatically ahead of time.
Vlad Mazek, MCSE
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
ExchangeDefender at Microsoft WPC
Please visit us in booth #1346 at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans March 13-16th.
Next week we will be sponsoring the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans. If you are attending, please stop by booth #1346. We have a number of new plans that we are excited to discuss. If you are missing the event, we will also be at the CompTIA Breakaway in Las Vegas, MSP University in Santa Ana, ConnectWise Summit in Orlando and a handful of ASCII events and user groups. This is in addition to the many ASCII, MSPU, Autotask, Microsoft TechEd and HTG events we have participated in so far this year.
So the obvious question should be: why go to all these events when the economy is doing so poorly? Over the past year we have seen many companies go under or slow down significantly because they were not prepared to address the demands of the marketplace. Companies that have survived and are now thriving are doing so thanks to solid management, execution and product matrix. I personally feel that we are at the greatest wave of change on the Internet ever since it started being used for commerce and business. Business demands for Internet applications are changing, as are support requirements, making many of the old technology business models obsolete. In order to stay at the front as an innovator in this industry, we have to work closer with our partners and our clients.
My one agenda for 2009 was to convert many of the experimental and community projects into professional services our clients and partners could count on. This involves working very closely with our partners to develop the features the clients are actually working on, not necessarily the ones we think we can sell. This interaction has so far been responsible for our PSA as well as the PSA integrations with Autotask, ConnectWise and Zenith Infotech. It has also resulted in record growth in our revenues and profits, some of which we are contributing to community projects to encourage everyone to work with us more closely.
So consider this an invitation – we want to work with everyone. Feel free to email me to get started.
To download the remainder of the newsletter please click here.