What is it?

For the most part, the majority of ExchangeDefender services are ordered within the OwnWebNow support portal at However, ExchangeDefender for Service Providers portal (or ExchangeDefender SP for short,) is where you, the partner, will order and manage the ExchangeDefender service for your clients. The ExchangeDefender SP portal is designed for IT Solution Providers that want to offer their own ExchangeDefender service under their own brand–including color templates and logo uploads.

How do I order it?

To order an ExchangeDefender Service Providers portal:

  1. Log into your OwnWebNow Support Portal (;
  2. Click on the Service Manager tab;
  3. Click on ExchangeDefender SP;
  4. Click the New Account button on the upper right of the screen;
  5. By clicking the New Account button, this will initiate the setup process;

Step 1. Contacts and Contracts

  • This information should be pre-populated with your administrative contact and billing information. If not, please provide this information.
  • Pricing: Although it is listed as $2.00 per month for ExchangeDefender SP portals; as an ExchangeDefender partner, you will exempt from this fee.
  • If you agree, check the following boxes:
    • Terms of Services;
    • Acceptable Use Policy; and
    • Service Level Agreement.
    • Click Next

Step 2. Service Configuration

On this page, you will start branding your ExchangeDefender SP portal.

  • First, provide an MSP ID. The Service Provider ID is a signal word that identifies your company, e.g. ABCTech, OwnWebNow, etc.;
  • Secondly, choose a product name. The product name is what you wish your ExchangeDefender service to be called, e.g. Awesome Email Scanning Service, ABCTech AntiSPAM Solutions, etc.;
  • Fill in all the necessary Admin contact information;
  • Click Review to proceed to the final step.

Step 3. Review and Finalize

If all of the information presented on this page is correct, please click Finalize Order. This will finalize this order and provision your portal. After you finalize your ExchangeDefender SP order, you will receive an email containing information about your new SP portal. After you order the ExchangeDefender accounts within your newly created SP portal, you will need to follow our deploy guide, located at:

Ordering an ExchangeDefender SP portal is a one-time process. You do not need to order a new portal every time you wish to on-board a new ExchangeDefender client. You will use this newly created portal to add new client wishing to use ExchangeDefender, as well as manage existing client you previously signup for ExchangeDefender services. However, if you wish to use and resell ExchangeDefender Essentials, you will create and use a separate ExchangeDefender Essentials SP portal.

Remember, you will now use this newly created ExchangeDefender Service Provider portal to order and manage the ExchangeDefender service only. All other orderings, including Hosted Exchange, Offsite Backup, etc., will be ordered in the OwnWebNow support portal ( All service tickets concerning issue for any ExchangeDefender service should be opened in the OwnWebNow support portal ( as well.