Product Features

Here is something that MSPs always get wrong when it comes to proposing Encryption and Archiving (HIPAA, compliance, eDiscovery): You can’t be something you’re not BUT you have to know the service you’re proposing. More on this topic tomorrow (if I can sneak it by the marketing)

Posted by ExchangeDefender on Thursday, April 5, 2018

Here is something that MSPs always get wrong when it comes to proposing Encryption and Archiving (HIPAA, compliance, eDiscovery): You can’t be something you’re not BUT you have to know the service you’re proposing.

Want to see part TWO of this video?
Disclaimer: There is tasteful profanity and light nudity to really drive the point of how to better interact with your clients. 🙂

ExchangeDefender: Become a Partner

So here is something that has always worked for me: everyone hates outages. Regardless of why I’m invited to speak to anyone about ExchangeDefender, and the billion problems we solve, I am here to help you with just one thing: uptime. If things are working, we can sort everything out, but the fear of the new unknown solution causing downtime is the #1 thing your client is thinking about. So address it first.

Posted by ExchangeDefender on Thursday, March 29, 2018

   What’s this video about? Live Archive.

So here is something that has always worked for me: everyone hates outages. Regardless of why I’m invited to speak to anyone about ExchangeDefender, and the billion problems we solve, I am here to help you with just one thing: uptime. If things are working, we can sort everything out, but the fear of the new unknown solution causing downtime is the #1 thing your client is thinking about. So address it first.

What is Live Archive?
Access your email via the cloud when outages happen.
Organizations are constantly facing internet and email outages, maintenance cycles and service unavailability. The key to productivity is being able to access your email even when outages happen Exchange Defender LiveArchive Business Continuity is the solution.
As you send and receive email, we make a copy and store it on our network – when you experience an outage you can just pull up a webmail system on your computer, tablet, or phone and continue where you left off.

Visit Exchange Defender: Email Security, Archiving, and Business Continuity solutions


We’re almost done with the first quarter and I wanted to take a moment to brief you about the features that are driving sales the most. These figures were taken from the top 10% of our managed services partners (MSP) in the small and mid-market segment (so they aren’t skewed by distributors, ISVs and large government/enterprise orders). I want to give you an idea about what is selling out there and hopefully these are the same conversations you’re having (or should be having) in order to grow your business.

70%  of our MSP’s say these email security features are making them money in 2018.


Compliance Archiving

In Compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC, PCI regulations.

We are continuing to see a massive shift from email backups to email Compliance Archiving. In a nutshell, our Compliance Archiving offers companies the ability to store up to 10 years of inbound, outbound, and interoffice email in the cloud where it meets dozens of regulator compliance, government and eDiscovery standards. Not only does it eliminate the pain point of managing backups, but it enables users to quickly and easily locate messages they are looking for on their own.

SPAM Filtering

Spam accounts for 14.5 billion messages globally per day. In other words, spam makes up 45% of all emails.

The more people move from their Exchange servers to the cloud (and Office 365) the more they realize how good they had it while their security was layered by their MSP managed solution. While everyone goes to the cloud hoping that “it’s good enough” SPAM filtering will work, companies quickly find out that the few bucks a month they were spending to keep trash out of the mailbox was really worth it. I have spoken to so many MSPs that couldn’t convince their clients to keep ExchangeDefender as they went to the cloud and that within a week of making a move to Office 365 they were right back on it – some unfortunately due to immediately failing an audit and phishing stuff flying through (more details on Phishing Protection and how to promote it later)


Encryption use is no longer optional.

As we pick up the pace on the rollout of our Compliance Manager service, we are seeing a lot of sales made on the back of Encryption (free) and Corporate Encryption (addon) services. I’ll admit I have not spoken to a ton of people about it, but feedback we continuously get about the service is that regulatory requirements in several industries are finally starting to be taken seriously: health care, banking, mortgage/finance, CPA, and sales activity is typically the highest during Q1 and it’s also the time those industries go over their business process and direct their staff to use new services. Every time someone uses the encryption process in ExchangeDefender we seem to get more interest for the product from the third party that received the message so if you’re not promoting it, you’re missing out on real world demand.

 Our top email security solutions offer must-have features for any business.

As I mentioned in the introduction, these are the services that are in demand now – so if they aren’t front and center in your promotional collateral you should be talking to our marketing team (!!! Action Item). Remember that companies will not pay for a service that is nice to have or even one they are required to have – they’ll only pay for things that either grow the business or reduce problems and make workers more productive and profitable. SPAM filtering makes people more productive while encryption and compliance archiving make problems related to backups and lawsuits go away. Since these features are part of a service every single user interacts with daily, they aren’t like to want to cancel it, giving you the opportunity for a long-term revenue generator.

Interested in Becoming a Partner? Or simply want to learn more about  ExchangeDefender’s leading email security solutions? Either way, We’ve got you covered.