Your Choice!
Does your marketing work for you?
If your website only gets a tiny amount of traffic, it is not the internet’s fault; it’s yours!
If your marketing emails and outreach efforts fail to motivate people to pick up the phone and give you a call, it’s not their problem; it’s yours!
A business can only be successful in promoting themselves when they take full responsibility for the results. If a business were to place blame on the marketplace for their lack of sales, they set the further development of the business out of their own control. If instead they focus on improving the areas of their business that they can control, they will then put themselves in the driver’s seat of their business.
BUT, and that is a big but, if they decide to blame the economy or the marketplace or their competitors or etc. or etc. or etc. for their problems, they will then put themselves in the passenger seat of a car that they don’t even own on a very rather frustrating trip that leads to nowhere.
Nothing changes if nothing changes! Meaning, if something that you are doing is not working the way that you intend it to, change it! Try something new and the choice – Is yours!!
We at ExchangeDefender are making the choice this year to be even more involved in helping our partners be more successful than ever before!!! We have a lot of new and exciting things coming up on our roadmap in 2013! We are adding great new features to our solution set, sponsoring and traveling to a lot of tradeshows and industry events to meet partners, running great promotions to entice more sales, and introducing some great training! So stayed tuned for those announcements to come!
In the meantime, check your mailboxes and checkout the ExchangeDefender promotions page, for updates on all of the promotions that we will be running this year! And as always if there is anything that we can do to help don’t hesitate to ask!
Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender
HTTP Error 417 – Expectations Failed
While this is a very uncommon error on the Internet nowadays, it does seem to be a widespread issue in today’s business relationships. What do I mean by this? How can an Internet error message be present in your business relationships with your clients? Allow me to explain…
When you enter into a business relationship with your clients (or with any entity for that matter), certain expectations are, well… expected between both parties. If you are an I.T. solutions provider, MSP, VAR, or whatever you want to classify your business as this year; your company is expected to provided any and all solutions to your clients in an agreed upon time frame and price. In return, your clients are expected to heed your expert advice and pay the agreed upon price for your services within an expected time frame.
These expectations should be agreed upon before any work begins. And those expectations are normally expressed in the form of a contract. Without some type of mutually agreed upon written document, you have no expectations.
Going Beyond Expectations – How to Retain Contract Client
While fulfilling all expected obligations contained within the contract is rewarding for both parties; that alone will not guarantee the client will renew that agreement.
“I don’t understand. I did my part in troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining your workstations, servers, and network!”
What many tech heads tend to forget is the human side of things—those hidden expectations that are not normally included in any business contract. Things like proper attitude, appearance, and respect for your clients’ work and time. Don’t think that these personal items go unnoticed. If a client doesn’t feel comfortable around you, why do you think they are willing to pay for that? In short, perform the duties that you mutually agreed upon, but also do those little things that make the go beyond written expectations. That is the key to retaining business and avoiding 417 errors with your clients!
Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707
HTML Support for Shockey Monkey Emails
We have received a handful of reports from users where HTML emails sent to their Shockey Monkey portal would have blank content in the ticket. We were able to successfully replicate the issue and resolve it. Unfortunately, this change will have to be tested thoroughly over the next few weeks before it is rolled out to all portals.
If you are a partner who would like the change to immediately be propagated to your portal then please open a support request at
Travis Sheldon
VP of Network Operations, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x757
Tips for Making More Revenue Before the End of the Year
With the holidays upon us, and many companies closing down before the end of the year, business can sometimes be slow for IT Solution Providers. Computers do not sleep and networks do not take vacation, which requires most IT businesses to remain open while other businesses close up shop.
The end of the year can however be an opportunity to gain more business or even tack on increased revenue, even when it is slow. Many businesses have budgets or money that needs to be spent before the year-end. Getting them to spend those dollars on your services is the key.
Renewals- The end of the year is a good time to secure subscription renewals. Offer your customers a discount to renew any subscriptions, including managed services for paying for the next year in advanced. This will typically be a discount between 10% and 20%.
Personal Thanks– The holiday is a perfect time to go out and visit all of your managed customers. Hand deliver a card and or a small gift and provide a personal thanks to your customers. This small gesture can go a long way and provides an opportunity to talk face-to-face with customers and talk about future purchases.
Ask– It may seem simple but the easiest way to get more revenue is to simply ask. As mentioned earlier many companies have money to spend at the end of the year. If you visit your customer or make a phone call you can simply ask your customers if they have budget they need to spend on technology before the end of the year. You might be surprised at how many are willing but hadn’t thought about spending on technology.
By being proactive in your slow time of the year and taking the time to market and talk to your current customers, you will surely see the worthwhile benefits of increased revenues and business.
Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777
Don’t Miss Out on Holiday Savings!!!
You don’t want to miss out on savings right? Don’t forget to take advantage of the holiday promotion that we are running from now through January 15th!!! All of our loyal partners and many new partners have received a holiday mailer in the mail with a fun scratchoff to reveal the promotion!
Holiday Promo can be used on all new accounts set up during the promotional period and the promotional pricing will be applied to each partner’s current pricing structure.
$2.00 off of Exchange Hosting
$0.50 off of ExchangeDefender
If you have any questions, want access to the holiday savings, or need the coupon codes just let me know and I will be happy to help!!
Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender
Times Have Changed…
The I.T. field has changed. I wish I could say that it has been to your benefit, the partner; but I can’t. The recession of 2007 hurt many many businesses. Some of you felt the effect immediately, while others felt it 18 months later. Unfortunately, some of you are still experiencing it. But is that what is really hurting your I.T. business? In my opinion the answer is “No”!
I think this is because the I.T. business is evolving into “monkey proof” solutions. What I mean by that is larger companies such as Microsoft, Google, Dell, etc. are making it easier for your clients to run their technology. They no longer need to purchase I.T. solutions from you. Even security companies are making software and hardware based solutions easier to implement, maintain, and protect their resources.
“Oh, but “I offer monitoring?” So does X Company.
“I have backup solutions?” Yep, X Company does that too: Onsite and offsite.
“My clients are special… They need blah, blah, blah that only I offer!” Whatever.
So where does this leave you and your humble I.T. business: Unemployed and out of business—respectfully speaking. Am I saying you need to close up shop and find another trade offered at your local community college? Not at all… What I am saying is that you need to make implementing, maintaining, and repairing technology a secondary offering. The majority of your time needs to be dedicated in showing your clients HOW to use technology to make their work easier and their business run more smoothly. This process requires you to start asking more business questions and less technology questions.
Ask yourself: “Does this company have a proper business workflow process that is efficient and effective?”—and yes, there is a difference between the two. They are not synonyms.
Now comes the commercial portion of this post. I would be remiss in my training from Vlad Mazek if you expected anything less. We spent a lot of time, a lot of energy, and a lot of money redesigning Shockey Monkey v.3 to greatly assist you in creating and working in a solid business workflow process. We have added modules that address Human Resource needs, Marketing needs, and Sales needs. And this is just the beginning. As we wrap up development for Shockey Monkey v.3, we are already looking into the future to make future updates and releases even more robust but without all the clutter that tends to be associated with growing a business platform. If you haven’t done so already, visit us at Shockey Monkey and see what you are missing. Try it out today, it’s FREE!
Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707
Show Me the Documentation!
Usually my blog tends to be more technical than dealing with the human side of support. That’s because usually high resource usage in support is caused by not researching reports or lack of understand of the technology. But there are a few every now and then that are an exception to the rule. We came across a difficult scenario a couple of days ago where a customer is having issues with a service. So of course we ask for documentation. Instead of providing the information requested, instead we get the “can’t you just fix it?”, yes we can if we can decipher what is wrong out of thin air.
One of things we sell to our customers as what separates us from the rest is support. I stand by that. We’re not the biggest fish, yet. But that allows us time to spend on fixing your issues, if you help us. Like a doctor or mechanic, we need to know where it hurts or where it smells like oil.
Going back to this case, so talked to the partner again, hey we’re standing by to help you can you give us anything? The second reply was, I just got yelled at over this! At this point we’re really empathetic and trying to explain to the guy, if you can’t tell us what is wrong and show us we can’t review it.
Guys I can’t emphasize this enough, I understand the emotions that come from getting chewed out. While some of you forget that while you post “You’re not getting it in the ear like we are!”, you’re doing it to us and I’m ok with it, it’s part of support. I understand. But if you could mix in the facts of the issue with some documentation so we can see or read what you’re seeing, you’d find that we can resolve your issues in a faster manner.
Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737
Creating Lists and Organizing for Maximum Efficiency
In business there are many tasks, issues, and fires that come up in the typical workday, from the mundane to the extraordinary. It can be difficult to manage all of aspects of the business and at the end of the day feel a sense of satisfaction that everything was accomplished.
There are some simple steps that can be taken to maximize efficiency and to feel a sense of accomplishment.
Plan Your Day– It is easy to get to the office and immediately begin going through the barrage of emails. Instead start your day by making a simple list of items you would like to have completed, in order of their priority.
Close Your Day- Just as it is important to begin the day by creating your list it is just as important to end your day by crossing off completed items and moving incomplete items to the next day. This will assure that you have finished important items and can follow up with incomplete tasks.
Become a Creature of Habit– The only way lists work is if they become routine. If you start and end your day the same way then there will never be any question. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but the more you can create a repeatable workflow the more efficient you will become.
There are many task-based programs that you can use to help with organization. Some of these programs allow you to create reminders and follow-ups and some even integrate with mobile devices. A PSA/CRM tool like can provide integrated task organization as well as business management. Whether you utilize software or just pen and paper; creating daily lists can help you achieve your goals and give you a better sense of accomplishment when you close the doors and turn off the lights after a long day.
Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777
Holiday Promotion!!!
Check your stockings!!! Or at least your mailbox !! We are having a holiday promotion to celebrate with all of our loyal partners the holiday season!
Once you receive your postcard mailer there is a scratch off section over the gift box. Scratch it to reveal what your holiday savings will be!
If you have any questions or want access to more holiday savings please give us a call, (877) 546-0316!!!
Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender