ExchangeDefender Blog

“The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.” — Woodrow Wilson

Recently Dr. Ernesto Sirolli, founder of the Sirolli Institute, gave a speech at TEDxEQChCh called, “Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!” In his speech, he reminisced about his humanitarian work while in Africa in the ‘70s. Dr. Sirolli, explained that despite the best intentions of mice and men, every project that he and his company implemented to assist the people of Zambia failed. How could this be? They were well-educated humanitarians. Their plans have been thought-out and their purpose true. They only wished to help the Zambian people—who showed very little interest in receiving it.

activelisteningThe answer to why they showed disinterest came in the form of a parable. The summary of the matter was Dr. Sirolli and his team had their own ideas and did not take the time to listen to the Zambian people on what they thought or if the ideas could even work. It wasn’t that Dr. Sirolli devalued their opinion or thought less of them as people. It was because Dr. Sirolli and his companions thought of themselves as the provider of solutions, and thus required no assistance in giving assistance.

“What you do [to provide better aid is] you shut up. You never arrive in a community with any ideas,” quoting Dr. Sirolli. If they would have listened to the natives of Zambia, they would have learned that the beautiful garden full of vegetables they spent all their efforts to nurture and grow—the same garden the Zambian people wanted no part of—would ultimately become the feed grounds for the local Rhinoceroses!

“Why didn’t you tell us this would happen?”

“You never asked.”

Some of you still reading are now asking yourself, “Why am I reading about Rhinoceroses in Africa on a tech blog?” And if you are that person, move along—I cannot help you. However, if you deduced that a person’s good work is not enough to succeed; then I congratulate you. Most of the time, you simply need to be quiet and listen. Simply NOT talking will yield you the best results. I am not suggesting that you become a mute during the entire encounter. What I recommend is allowing the other person the power the conversation vehicle while you steer it down the road you desire. By listening, you improve the possibilities of uncovering additional opportunities.

The next time you find yourself sitting at the table with a potential client, let them do the talking. Do not come into the meeting with ideas of what you can do for them. Actively listen to what they are saying to you. In the end, you may discover unrealized opportunities or hidden landmines.

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707

We have had a few requests from different partners to allow clients to manage their distribution groups through Outlook. While we prefer that partners use our control panel to allow there to be an actual tracked and managed configuration, we do extend the ability to clients by setting a “Distribution Group Manager”.

To set up a distribution group manager open a support request with the email address of the Distribution Group and the new manager.

Once configured Users would open the Address Book in Outlook, find the distribution group and go to Properties. Once inside properties the manager would click “Manage Members”.

Travis Sheldon
VP of Network Operations, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x757

SuccessIT Solution Provider and MSP businesses typically utilize software to help manage and maintain their client networks as well as their own day-to-day business. This software helps to create efficiencies that may have never been realized in the past, but requires continued and repeated use to create such efficiencies.

Many successful sales organizations employ similar methods and software in order to drive more sales. CRM solutions provide ways to organize but companies need to go beyond their CRM and develop standard practices across their teams in order to get the most sales.

It’s all about Standardization

Sales people in general are loners; they like to do things their way, which can be good and bad. Whether a sales person likes it or not, getting the team on a standardized routine will be better for the organization in the long run. The job of a sales manager is to assure that standard practices are followed but many times the practices are overlooked when a salesperson is bringing in sales.

This is the Inherent Problem

Many managers turn their head when numbers are good and the result is sales people that do not follow standards. Sales organizations typically have higher turnovers, as sales people generally like to chase the money and will many times take any better opportunity. This is another reason for implementing standard practices within the organization.

Some of the common items that should be standardized for all sales organizations are as follows:

Documentation– Quotes, Proposals, marketing materials, and contracts should all have a similar design and format allowing anyone to takeover for anyone else and any stage in the sales process

CRM– All salespeople must update the respective CRM after every appointment, call, or touch.

Sales Tracking and Reporting– Along with CRM updates sales tracking, pipeline and projections must be updated religiously.

Appearance– It is important that sales staff has a standardized dress code this provides a professional representation of the company.

Creating standardized practices is the easy part; implementation and management to assure compliance is the tricky part. Managers must not let sales numbers negate responsibilities. It is the job of the sales manager or owner to assure that sales people are following required practices. The benefits are far reaching and will result in more sales, easier transitions, and accurate forecasting.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777

moneyMany business owners believe that employees are completely motivated by money. Though money does motivate, it is what we would consider a short-term motivator and should be treated as such. There are many ways for employers to incentivize employees. The best way to get the most out of any incentive is to have a plan.

Monetary Incentives

*Raises – Monetary incentives whether they are bonuses or raises should be tied to specific goals. This assures accountability and keeps expectations in check. Raises should generally tie into a review process. If long-term goals are met, than a raise can be given. This method keeps a raise as a long-term motivator.

*Bonuses– a bonus is definitely a short-term motivator. It is used to boost output and drive a specific result. Bonuses are often used in sales but can also be used in many other aspects of the business. The key is to structure the bonus based on the expected end result. Do not waiver from the initial goal and by all means do not provide a bonus if the goal is missed. Even if a goal is missed by a small amount, rewarding based on a missed goal sends the wrong message.

Non-Monetary Incentives

*Promotions and Title Enhancements– are good incentives that leave a lasting impression on employees. It is good to coordinate promotions with additional responsibilities and expectations. All promotions or title enhancements do not have to be tied to a monetary raise but when major additional responsibilities are expected, a promotion without a raise may be a de-motivator.

*Praise– The biggest and easiest motivator (though can be the hardest for some) is periodic praise. Employees are driven by doing well and being a part of a team, they want to know they are appreciated and want to feel good about what they are doing. By providing true heartfelt appreciation to your employees you are not only driving them to continue to do great work but you are also giving them a sense of accomplishment and belonging.

There are many incentives and plans that can be put in place to motivate employees. Make sure any plan is just that “a plan.” Set realistic and obtainable goals to help drive employees to the desired end result, and be sure to incorporate employee praise into your routine, the return on your investment will be easily realized.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777

Free_Task_Icons_Reports_Icons_by_artistsvalleyLast night we successfully switched ROCKERDUCK users over to the new CAS load balancer.

The new Load Balancer is based off the same custom solution we designed with the original load balancer, however we have improved the hardware resources and the “Least Count” algorithm to be a bit more accurate in handling Outlook connections. This is the same solution we implemented about two months ago on LOUIE and seen dramatic improvements in overall latency and resource utilization.

Travis Sheldon
VP of Network Operations, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x757

clip_image001Two weeks ago at IT Nation 2012, I spent most of my time speaking with current partners and the vast majority of the feedback we got was positive which tells me, I’m doing my job right! Obviously, some partners may disagree and that is fine. As a consumer you do not differentiate support from development or which resource each team has available, as you shouldn’t. That brings me to the one point I made to new partners coming from other providers, what can I expect from you, that they won’t do? Same answer, support; by that I mean actual support.

One specific question was, hey I am currently with X Spam Solution and they are killing me with false positives, I am looking for someone who doesn’t. My response was, (I am not a liar hence why I do not work in sales and Vlad begs me to lie to him about bad news, that’s just me) look I’d be lying to you if I said no, but I will say this if you have a problem with and you document it to my team, we WILL adjust. This guy was told by his provider “Nope, the rules as they are”. That is an offer that always stands if you open a ticket with documentation. Meaning provide me some .msg files illustrating your client’s problem, and we WILL make an adjustment.

Case in point one of our existing partners had a bad rash of the case above to the point where they received an ultimatum. His team stepped up, got us some good documentation and by the time the show ended he came over to shake my hand for pretty much saving that account for us both. That’s why we go that extra mile, if you lose them, we lose them, period.

But help me help you, you can not walk into a doctor and say it hurts without telling him where and expect him to fix it. Document and ye shall receive.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of our partners who attended the 2012 ConnectWise IT Nation conference in Orlando. First, let me say it was a pleasure to meet and talk to you all about our partnership and your business. One of the many things I enjoy about by position with Own Web Now is the talking to you, our partners, about your businesses. The majority of solutions we release are directly influenced by our partners. It is our partners who keep us in business. Without you, I would be the most popular fry guy at my local McDonalds. With that said, thank you sincerely for your business. We look forward to releasing new and exciting products that will be beneficial for you and your clients.

During the 3 day event, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk casually with a few of partners about our support and development team. While I would say 98% of the feedback was positive, there was constructive feedback that we walked away with. And that is where, in my opinion, we differ from our competition. Although positive feedback is always appreciated; we welcome constructive feedback to make our staff, our products, and our relationship with our partners better. Each of us that attended the conference walked away with a list of items to improve on—whether it concerned support, development, communication, or marketing. In order to be successful in business, you have to be hitting on all cylinders. In short, we listen…

So if you ever have a question about our products and services; pick up the phone and give me a call or drop me an email. I am more than happy to sit and talk to you about your business and how ExchangeDefender and Shockey Monkey solution could fit into your business offerings.

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707

clip_image001I usually like to tackle common questions on my blog updates and the most common one the last few weeks has been ExchangeDefender Essentials and its feature set. The biggest question, and unfortunately it comes in after provisioning, is regarding SPAM reports.

Is it or is it not a feature of the Essentials packages?

Unfortunately, it is not. However, we have a slew of options for you in both the “I need to manage my quarantines” and “my client is cost conscious but wants reports”. So to address the folks that ask “OK, so how do I manage my quarantine?” question, we offer multiple superior options to the report (since these are all real time access).

* Web Portal at
* Outlook Add-In – It becomes a ribbon in Outlook its available in the Downloads section
* Desktop Annoyerizer – It notifies you via a pop up every time you a quarantine item, also available in the Downloads section
* Mobile at via an HTML5 enable browser

As far as the cost issue, give us a call at 877-546-0316 our volume pricing brings both products pretty close.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737

627723_pennieIn the world of IT and technology there are new products, vendors, and businesses models that spring up promising the latest and greatest in techno bliss. It’s fun for us geek types to check out the newest products and services that hit the market; it is one of the reasons many of us are in this line of work.

Having worked with many IT solution companies and MSP’s, one thing that seems to be a recurring theme with every company is the fact that most IT businesses have been burned by a vendor at one point or another. Some of those new vendors that promised the world, under deliver or worst yet, close their doors leaving you to hold the bag and explain things to your customers.

In the IT industry loyalty is strong and the vendor/provider relationship is a pretty sacred bond. For many that move to a new solution,then to get burned, going back to the original vendor becomes next to impossible from a pride standpoint. This fact makes evaluating new solutions and especially new vendors even more important.

Be sure if you are looking to make a switch that it is for the right reasons. Talk to your existing vendor. If you are looking at moving based on price, a quick call may be a worthwhile investment, as most vendors want to keep your business. This becomes even truer when there is a competitive element attached. If the move is for newer technology, that same phone call may gain you information about upcoming additions or changes to the current vendor product line.

Sometimes change is a necessity and if your current vendor isn’t meeting your needs, or is letting you down, it may be time to explore other options. Most of the time though, the reason IT companies explore new partnerships can usually be tracked back to a lack of communication. Though all vendors can get better at communication, building a relationship is a two-way street. This makes returning calls, attending webinars, and reaching out regularly an important part of running a successful business.

It just may be, that the shiny new thing, is right in front of you… 

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777