ExchangeDefender Blog

658889_tamerFor many IT Solution Providers and Managed Service Providers the bottom line depends on as little interaction as possible with clients to make the most revenue. This is great for creating efficiencies and productivity for clients, but may not help with relationship building. It is easy for a client to look at an IT bill and wonder exactly what they are getting for their spend when they rarely see their provider.

This is an issue that many providers face when managing a client network with few problems. There are some things that can be done to provide great face time, build relationships, and keep clients. I like to call this series “Making the Most out of IT.”

A Little Help Can Make A Lot of Difference

Usually when you install new products, devices, or software solutions there is a bit of a learning curve for users. If you install and run, most people will not take the time to use the new solution thus making the install a wasted effort. Especially for managed service or recurring revenue clients, setting up a quarterly lunch and learn might be a great way to keep clients happy and on top of technology. This fun and educational event for your client will keep them appreciative and most likely gain you additional sales and a better relationship. Get your vendors involved, as they will most likely have small giveaway items, materials, and advice on how to educate your clients on the products you are covering.

Unexpected Visits

Unexpected visits are always welcomed when you bring a gift for the office. This can be a simple gesture such as donuts, pizza, or a tub of licorice but the effort will always make you the good guy. The key to this is frequency. It doesn’t have to be all the time just on a regular basis. Quarterly is a good start just schedule your client visits in your calendar and keep your own appointment to build rapport. This will be remembered when there is a problem that needs some understanding from the client side, such as in the event of an outage.

Think outside of the box and provide new resourceful ways to stay connected to your clients. Email, marketing, and newsletters are good but the good old face to face is what will set you apart from your competition. By going the extra mile and providing education or simple training and regular interaction, you will keep clients happy, keep them buying, keep them recommending your service, and you will just flat keep them.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777

graphOver the past month we have been slowly upgrading the network for our Exchange 2010 clusters to segregate network traffic not only between clusters, but between the resources within the cluster. Prior to the upgrades all clusters and services within the clusters (CAS arrays, DAG, etc.) were able to interact with each other. By utilizing VLAN and QoS on the switch we have been able to limit down the amount of multicast traffic and broadcasts between networks which dramatically improved network responsiveness within each cluster. By limiting the outside “noise” we have seen a 130% improvement of log shipment between DAG nodes across clusters and an 80% improvement of CAS related traffic. All in all these network changes directly improve the customer experience by providing a faster handling and response of requests to mailboxes.

Travis Sheldon
VP, Network Operations, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x757

Recently, ExchangeDefender launched a product that many of our partners have been eagerly waiting for: LocalCloud. Many of you may be thinking that we at ExchangeDefender are arriving a little late to the Cloud file sharing game; but you would all be incorrect! Most will try to compare us to the larger, more recognized players in the Cloud file sharing niche; and again, you would be missing the point of LocalCloud.

“So, Michael, what is your point concerning LocalCloud?”

My point is simply this: People are still scared of the Cloud. More accurately, they are concerned about certain attributes of the Cloud: Data location, data security, and most importantly; data availability.

“Where is my data?”

“Is my data secured?”

“My Internet is down! I can’t access my data!!!”


Enter LocalCloud. In business, you need to know that your data is secure, you need to know where it is stored, how it is protected and you need the people you can count on to help you with backups, regulatory compliance, data leakage, and access concerns.

With ExchangeDefender LocalCloud software, the behavior of the desktop does not change – files are still available locally and can be accessed as fast as any other file on the desktop. Sync, reporting and backups are done on the backend without client interaction and without purchasing expensive backup and encryption products.

What we have accomplished with LocalCloud is taking the features of the Cloud and combining them with the accessibility of the local network. When you do this, businesses grow and flourish.


For more information about ExchangeDefender LocalCloud and how to get started offering this service to your clients, visit: or pick up the phone and give me a call!

Michael D. Alligood
Partner Sales & Support, ExchangeDefender & Shockey Monkey
(877) 546-0316 x707

850598_thumbs_upWith the adoption of Software services and cloud implementations the days of traditional retail boxed software is all but disappearing and for good reason. Disk-based software and licensing had many faults. First requiring customers to keep track of software, let alone licenses, could create many issues when there was a dreaded failure and reload scenario. Second high priced support could take a large chunk out of a technology budget not leaving much room for repairs or necessary upgrades when due.

These days things are much much different. There are no longer worries of media, boxes, licensing, or support. Licensing, one of the biggest headaches in the previous model, can simply be looked up with customer information and provided within an instant. Not having media means accessing applications and downloads from virtually anywhere. Support is now rolled into products providing value and overcoming the issue of large capital outlays or the worry of companies deciding not to get support and then having issues.

Some may look at SaaS as costing more over time, but considering the fact that SaaS solutions provide unlimited software updates, rolled into support, and peace of mind regarding licensing, the values outweigh any additional costs. Software ownership has never been a good investment; just head to your basement or closet sometime and find some of those retail boxes we’ve been talking about. Outside of nostalgic memories of that Windows 3.1 or that early version of QuickBooks, the box and media disks really have no value.

Software as a Service and cloud solutions are becoming a standard in the software industry. For vendors there are lower costs and guaranteed recurring revenues. For Providers the benefits are very much the same. On top of the outlined benefits, IT solution Providers and MSP’s can provide value added services to their solutions. By utilizing ExchangeDefender, providers can even create their own pricing and add-ons to create the most value and revenue.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777

trash-canI am sure that we have all heard the adage of “garbage in, garbage out” when it comes to software.  However, based on my experience, the phrase also applies to support as well. It applies in all directions and regardless of perspective. Allow me to illustrate it…

End user #1: Hey local tech support, my _________ is not working right.
Local Tech: Ok I will call our service provider.
End user waits.
Cloud Tech: How can I help you?
Local Tech: Hey, Bob’s email is not working right! We are getting killed over here!
Cloud Tech: Ok who is Bob? And what exactly is not working right?
Local Tech: Umm… I don’t know, can you hold on?
The call goes on hold and at least 10 minutes go by.

Eventually the local guy comes back and tries his best to describe an image as you would to a blind person (because phones do not have video, completely). Mind you from your perspective as an MSP, while all these shenanigans are going on your end user is STILL down.

Now this is where I start yelling at my guys. Unfortunately, technology requires data not a verbal origami that somehow turns into a flying bird from a napkin. “Get that guy off the phone and tell him to paste you the headers, get the .msg file if you can, and get a screenshot.” Show me the problem!

It is at this stage that we either have a problem we fix, or a problem you fix. But sadly, we (yes both you and us) wasted 80% of the time saying something like this:

Tech 1: What does it say?
Tech 2: It says…
Tech 1: No no that line, the next line.
Tech 2: It says…
Tech 1: You skipped a line, I need the one in between.
Tech 2: Oh that one!

Trust me I get it, I love to “talk to someone” too, every day of the week. But you know what I would really like for myself and my customer every time? I would like for my problem to be solved in a timely fashion. And this is something that happens both ways, sometimes we ask bad questions, but other times we get a ticket that is composed of a PSA ticket forward that says “My email is down”, that’s it. That’s just as bad as reply that says “That sucks”. Yet they both contain the same amount of useful information.

Carlos Lascano
VP Support Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x737

As a former I.T. VAR and small business owner, one of the duties I love about my job at ExchangeDefender is talking to current business owners about their technology offerings. You see, I know how difficult it is to choose the right vendor for your business. There are tons of I.T. conferences, webinars, seminars, mailers, emails, phone calls, and yes; promises, that are made to you on a daily basis by vendors. The absolute worst thing that can happen is that you get involved with a vendor without knowing all the details:

  • Is there partnership program fee-based?
  • Are there minimum requirements, either financial or otherwise, to maintain that partnership?
  • Are you paying for items you really do not need or use in your everyday workflow process?
  • How easy (or difficult) is it to receive help when needed?

Having been in your shoes before, I empathize with you. What baffles me, however, is when you know who I am and who I work for, but never tried ExchangeDefender products and services!

“Yeah, I see yours and Vlad’s posts on Facebook. I’ve been meaning to check you guys out.”

“I’ve been thinking of signing up as an ExchangeDefender partner, but I haven’t had the time.”

“The Moon isn’t in the ninth house. It’s not a good time.”

While I’ve heard the gamut of excuses answers when asked, “Why haven’t you signed up to be an ExchangeDefender partner;” my favorite by far is, “I don’t know how…” Well folks, I’m here to tell you that it’s as easy as visiting our website: If you’re still reading this post, then you’re half way there! From our homepage, you click on the “Become a Partner” link and sign up. From start to finish, the process should not take more than 5 minutes—depending on your typing skills.

The best part about becoming an ExchangeDefender partner is that it’s FREE! So, in a way, we are giving you a way to make ‘money for nothing’ (for the Millennial Generation, see: “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits.) The only time our partners are billed is when they order products or services. There are no long term contracts, no annual commitment fees, and no hidden costs. Plus, ExchangeDefender is up 24/7, 365 days of the year. For all support, presale and urgent matters; partners have around the clock access to their support portal. If you would like to talk to a human being, pick up the phone and call us: (877) 546-0316.

To put the process in perspective, you could have signed up as a partner in the time it took you to read this post! So sign up, get familiar with our products, and expand your technical portfolio by offering ExchangeDefender solutions.

Michael D. Alligood,

Partner Sales and Support

ExchangeDefender | Shockey Monkey

(877) 546-0316 x707

182201_lensMost IT businesses are started by technical people that branch out on their own in search of creating a successful business, but more to do what they love. This passion for the industry can sometimes be overshadowed by the day-to-day ins and outs of running a business. Finding new business is one of the hardest parts of running an IT solution company and can cause many tech minded individuals to struggle even after they are well established.

Carving out a niche is a good way to create repeatable new business. This can be accomplished in several ways.

Find your Specialization

This may be a specific platform you are good at, software or hardware solution specializations provide ways to differentiate you and allow you to focus your marketing efforts.

Learn a Vertical

Getting familiar with a specific vertical can easily create sustainable and repeatable business through networking, word of mouth, and specific advertising. It is important to learn the lingo of the trade/vertical and the common tools used. This will assure you are looked at as a subject matter expert rather than just a general tech.

Focus Marketing

Once you have a specialization utilize focused marketing to drive new leads. Advertising in trade magazines or on trade related websites can provide a captive audience. Get involved with organizations and community groups specific to the vertical. Purchase a marketing email and address list for your specialization and create a marketing campaign to create brand awareness.

By finding your niche you can assure repeatable business, differentiate your business in your market, and drive new sales. If you have been, or your area is vertical horizontal, consider specializing in specific platforms. Becoming an expert and carving out a niche will provide opportunity and drive new sales, while allowing you to get the most bang for your buck out of marketing efforts.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777

vStarting this Thursday, October 11th, ExchangeDefender is going to Las Vegas! Stop by and visit me, Stephanie Hasenour, and Anastasia Wiggins as we represent ExchangeDefender as a proud sponsor for SMB Nation in Las Vegas, NV!

We have recently added a lot of new features and products to our solution stack and we are very excited to talk about everything with all of the attendees. We will have a ton of information and giveaways so make sure you stop by our booth #422!!!

All the noise, lights, and slot machines aside, we know that it will be a fabulous event!!!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stephanie Hasenour
VP Marketing, ExchangeDefender

When we originally launched LocalCloud (we called it “CloudShare” back then) it was meant to be a simple addon to the ExchangeDefender portfolio that was already stretching far beyond email. The amount of feedback and outright demand for the product caused perhaps the biggest shift in development resources we’ve ever had – to take this addon file sharing feature and turn it into a full blown client/server storage application fit for workgroups.

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to see what we’ve built:

Wednesday, October 10th

Noon, EST

The webinar will be recorded and posted here shortly following the event.

We built LocalCloud differently from all the file sync products on the market today because we know that small businesses work differently from consumers that those solutions are built for: small businesses demand speed, security, audit logs, file control and plenty of assurances that their data will stay safe. We’ve gone a step beyond that:


In LocalCloud 2.0 we now have shared folders, access to which can be granted and removed directly from the ExchangeDefender user interface that the users are already familiar with and deal with daily for SPAM reports and business continuity. Same application – same management.

Due to a ton of demand we’ve also built in a process to lock files. For example, let’s say you’re editing an important document that you don’t want another user on the network to modify. You can check the file out, preventing anyone else write access until you’ve completed your work.

Lot’s of other surprises, business model implementations and feedback from our partner community will also be shared.

P.S. We might even say a thing or two about the Unicorn, but you have to tune in for that one. Smile

Vlad Mazek
CEO, Own Web Now Corp
(877) 546-0316 x500

Most companies have great intentions when creating their websites to “get more social.” If you head to most business based websites you will see the usual Facebook and twitter buttons, links about products and services, and then, like a lost puppy all sad and alone there is the blog tab. A click on this link will many times bring you to a page with a number of posts, usually with sporadic dates and the last post being somewhere aroundY2K. Ok maybe it’s not quite that bad but you get the picture.

Many consider blogging to be a difficult task. Most will use excuses like “I don’t have time to write” or “I can’t think of anything to post.” The reality is these are just excuses and there are many reasons for keeping your company blog updated.

Why are Blogs Important?

1. Google loves Blogs

Fresh content to your site is favorable in getting your page organically to the top of Google. The more often you post the better you will fair and being higher on the list equals more business.

2. Blogs help keep customers informed

Though a company blog may not be the best place to open up about social, religious, or political topics; they are a great place to discuss emerging trends, new products and services, as well and local outreach.

3. Self Promotion and Employee Recognition

A blog is a great place to recognize employee accomplishments, announce big wins, and show off work. It adds a touch of personalization and can allow potential as well as current customers insight into the day-to-day business.

How to Maintain a Blog

1. Post something Daily

This may sound harder than it actually is but many of us post to social sites like Facebook everyday so why not to our websites? Easy ways to post daily can be to create photo based posts or video posts not only are these easy, but they are also great for Google.

2. Recruit Employees to Help

Assign employees a day of the week in which they are responsible to have a post written. Make sure that you provide expectations upfront and hold them accountable for the posts.

3. Make a list of Topics

It is much easier to get inspiration when you know what you want to write about. Some people find it easier to write down titles or topics of posts to be written. This can help the creative process and remind you of the things that are most important.

4. Write about your New and Existing Customers

Linking to your customer’s sites and providing promotion is a great way to drive traffic, add exposure, and give customers some additional love. They will appreciate the effort and it will provide an all around good feel to your site.

Either Do it or Don’t

1. Having a Blog post from Y2K as your last entry will not look good to anyone who goes to your blog page. If you aren’t going to be somewhat consistent you may consider removing the page.

2. Don’t get over opinionated in a business blog save those rants for a personal blog.

3. Do provide industry news and trends to keep customers informed.

4. Do have fun!

With a little effort and planning it is easy to turn that blog tab into a thriving part of your website. It will help breathe new life into your business as well as social makeup and give visitors an added benefit to your site. The advantage of climbing the ladder on Google will payoff in more business and revenue. Don’t expect results over night, but if you stay consistent and follow some of the advice outlined, you will be sure to have success with your company blog.

Frank Gurnee
VP, Channel Services, ExchangeDefender
(877) 546-0316 x4777