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Corporate Email Encryption for Business

Sure, there are plenty of reasons to use Encryption to protect your sensitive data – but there are three key factors, that all organizations share in common. The current state of cyber security woes for businesses presents itself as a harsh fact: 88% of companies suffer a data breach due to non-encrypted emails with sensitive information being hacked.

So, what are the key drivers that persuade organizations to take encryption seriously?

1 – To comply with data security regulations and requirements

Organizations must comply, by using the proper security and storage protocols, with U.S and E.U regulations in order to be considered (legally) in good-standing.

2 – To protect intellectual property of the business  

Trade secrets are a real deal, and are highly sought after by hackers for ransom and blackmail which often results in bankruptcy of the company due to lack of money and trust from customers.

3 – To protect customer information

Protecting customers and their personal information is at the forefront of security concerns for business. The rise of data breaches within the U.S shows that implementing stronger security protocols is vital to business continuity.

Our Solution: ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption

For the modern workplace, all types of business communications are done via email, and now data exposure has turned into a problem of great magnitude. With just a single wrong-click, an employee could unintentionally expose secret company information, financial statements, contracts etc. In order for organizations to thrive on business continuity, they must protect their data by enabling an email encryption solution.

ExchangeDefender Encryption enables organizations to securely send, receive, and manage confidential email, providing an easy, seamless way to implement content protection.

Powered by ExchangeDefender, Corporate Encryption complies with the SOX, HIPAA, SEC and local government requirements for information encryption. It also integrates easily with our email hosting solution, and is compatible with all major email service providers – including Office 365, on-premise Exchange, and G-Suite for Business.

What types of Encryption do we use?

ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption involves multiple systems to encrypt the message contents and notifications generated by the system.

Channel Encryption

ExchangeDefender uses SSL/TLS encryption of the SMTP communication between the client’s email server and the ExchangeDefender network. All traffic is automatically encrypted using the same level of security that is used with online shopping, banking, etc.

Managed Web Encryption

ExchangeDefender web servers are encrypted using commercial SSL certificates. Client configuration, email review, message retrieval and all services provided through ExchangeDefender websites are automatically encrypted and cannot be accessed through a plain-text process that bypasses encryption.

Data Encryption

ExchangeDefender web servers, email servers, and routing hubs secure all client data through multiple layers of security including:

Complex account and login restrictions

Remote access restricted to ExchangeDefender NOC IP address space

All remote access sessions are recorded and authenticated

Administrators do not have access to client message data or configuration information

Keep business data safe with Encrypton

To protect your organization from data breaches, email encryption should be used as a preventative measure against tomorrow’s hackers. ExchangeDefender’s Email Encryption solution involves encrypting, or disguising email contents in order to protect sensitive company information from being read by unauthorized personnel. Our system is entirely transparent with no software to install, or manage on either end.

Explore full Corporate Encryption features
Protect your business communications for less than $5 a month*


Email encryption is on the rise, ExchangeDefender offers two types of encryption.

Corporate Encryption

ExchangeDefender Encryption (Corporate Encryption) has been one of our hottest products for years, the demand for it is fueled by daily news of exploits, hacking, data theft and so on. Just last night, one of the largest retailers in the world was exploited and for over a month hackers stole credit cards and client information. This sort of daily reporting is creating an unprecedented demand for encryption products, with Let’s Encrypt becoming the largest SSL certificate issuer on the planet.

One thing remains, if the data you are sending or receiving is sensitive to you it’s your responsibility and best interest to assure it is protected.

When it comes to email encryption things get a bit more confusing, complicated, fragmented and unclear. One thing remains, if the data you are sending or receiving is sensitive to you it’s your responsibility and best interest to assure it is protected. Whether you’re the sender or the recipient. Unfortunately, email alone isn’t secure enough by design and <big deal>it is the most exploited and hacked medium available.</bigdeal> . Why hack a bank when I can hack your mailbox and get all your accounts, credentials, reset mechanisms, notes, private information and more?

This is where ExchangeDefender, and ExchangeDefender Encryption, become such a big deal and such a valuable <i>service</i> for your business. You can exchange emails back and forth securely, without installing any software, without requiring the recipient to install any software. Your still use your same email program, desktop, mobile phone, tablet – but your information goes from point to point in an encrypted and protected process. Not just that but you get things you typically can’t get from IT – knowing when the message was was received, when it was read, how many times it’s been read, and you get a reply in the same secure way.

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It’s clear to see how easy and essential selling ExchangeDefender Encryption is: but you can’t show up empty handed. We have marketing collateral available for our partners – Click on the PDF to download. 


ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption
ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption

ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption now allows you to send encrypted attachments and share files securely from any device, even many of you that aren’t on Microsoft Outlook/Exchange. It was one of the more popular parts of the webinar we held yesterday (hope you had a chance to attend it, you can watch it anytime in our secure portal at

ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption was designed to eliminate the pain point of traditional key-based email encryption: too much software, too much management, exchange of public keys, software deployment, and more. It also eliminates the complaints about cloud based solutions that are often clunky, unfriendly, not to mention expensive. ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption is none of those: it is friendly, affordable, requires no additional software or hardware.

And as of this week, it allows the sender and the recipient to exchange attachments so that the content is encrypted in both directions. Furthermore, because it is cloud based, you can resume work when you get back to your desk. The upgrades to the UI allow you to quickly see new messages, respond to them, or forward them elsewhere. It is truly turning into a highly secure, policy-based, email solution for businesses that require compliance and content security.

We’ve also made the UI more friendly by putting actions on top of the page so that it resembles popular webmail products end users have gotten used to for over a decade. Attachments are a lot more prominent and go both ways: not only can you send them, but when the recipient logs into our portal to reply they can attach anything they want to in response as well – assuring that content is protected and encrypted at all times.