LiveArchive Workshop Series: Pre-Workshop Checklist

ExchangeDefender has been holding LiveArchive workshops for two weeks, helping our clients and partners setup a free backup and live archiving service for their domain. Everyone needs a backup, right? ExchangeDefender is the missing piece in your backup strategy, it lets your users access email messages in the meantime while the recovery is taking place.
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is free and since you’re providing the storage, you can keep the archive indefinitely. ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is open source and you can count on it long after we’re gone. Plus the privacy stuff.
Preparing for the LiveArchive Workshop
Our goal with the ExchangeDefender LiveArchive Workshop is to help you set up your organization and be up and running by the end of the call.
It takes less than 4 minutes to configure LiveArchive start-to-finish. It takes about 90 extra seconds per domain if you’re setting up multiple clients.
Requirements for the workshop are a domain that is currently protected and configured with ExchangeDefender, access to the DNS control panel, and access to the Microsoft M365 admin (Exchange) site. This way the mail is already flowing in and out of the organization and all we need to assure is that traffic is properly replicating from your email infrastructure to your backup location.
LiveArchive Storage Checklist
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive consists of 3 major components:
1) LiveArchive UI – Beautiful minimalist webmail interface for your email archive
2) LiveArchive S3 Storage – S3 object storage backend to store your messages
3) LiveArchive DB – MariaDB SQL database backend for email metadata and customization
Option 1: Amazon AWS Services
For the sake of keeping it affordable and easy, we recommend deploying LiveArchive on Amazon Web Services. You can get started with Amazon EC2/Lightsail, S3, and RDS/MariaDB and the documentation for the process is here:
Option 2: Amazon Lightsail
If you’re looking to do more than the basics, deploying the whole docker stack in Amazon Lightsail or EC2 instance is recommended. Before you get to the workshop, set up a Lightsail instance running the latest Ubuntu Linux version you’re comfortable with. Fire it up, update it, assign it a static IP address, and point an A host record at it.
During the workshop we will deploy LiveArchive both ways so you can see the entire process but if you wish to have it deployed make sure you have your environment set up and updated before we get started. By the time the hour is up, your LiveArchive will be protecting your data for as long as you wish to store it.

Learn how to effortlessly set up, optimize, and maximize your investment with expert guidance. Our workshops cover everything from pricing to configuration.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to master Live Archive Backup! Reserve your spot now for Tuesday or Thursday workshops at 11 AM or 3 PM starting July 16th-September 3rd 2024!