
Officially, official.

ExchangeDefender has recently launched an ‘Official Partner’ logo, designed exclusively for our current partners. The logo is a graphic brandmark that features our traditional ExchangeDefender design, as well as the addition of ‘Official Partner’ underneath in dark grey.

There are currently two different versions of the logo to best assist all partners and their individual websites. The option to choose the light, or dark version is totally up to the preference of the partner, (their brand colors, website colors etc.)

Ways to use

We have a few suggestions on how to use your Official Partner logo. The first is on your website. You can download the logo and paste it into your website. Preferably on the front page to show your clients, and prospective clients the current security vendors that you are in partnership. We believe the display of partner logos help express credibility to future clients that you are in good company, and collaborate well with others.

The second option is adding the logo to documents, sale sheets, brochures, invoices – things you would normally give to a potential client. Normally, you would add your company’s logo on the left side, with your partner logo on the right side. Visually its outstanding, and assures the client that you are doing well as an ExchangeDefender business partner, (which you are!).

The third option is using your email footer for when you are emailing back and forth with clients. For example, if you were to look at a company’s signature – you would see the name, title, contact details, as well as any programs, or products that they are currently associated with. The logo is easy to add into outlook or Gmail, and should only take a few mins to complete.

Oh! You can also use the partner logo when making posts on your MSP social media. This could be attached to product specific offerings, or showcasing the third-party vendors that you currently are in partnership.

How to download?

To download is simple.
Below, you’ll find the light version and dark version of the logo. The images are PNG and have transparent background to suit any color. To save, simply right click the image and click save.

Remote-work friendly solutions for business.

There is no doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the way that we work today. Daily restrictions of social distancing require all of us to keep our space with many of us still working from home. Despite the current grim reality of 2021, the mobile workforce has been on the rise since before the crisis struck.

It is our jobs as service providers to prepare businesses with solutions that promote secure productivity that is accessible from anywhere. Here at ExchangeDefender, we wanted to share the most popular solutions being sold this year that are remote-work friendly.

Advanced Email Security (ExchangeDefender PRO)

Securing company email is non-negotiable in our digital age, and in 2021 as cyber-attacks have quadrupled in the last year alone. ExchangeDefender Advanced Email Security provides a multi-layered defense against email-borne threats like SPAM, viruses, malware, spoofing, phishing and more. Being honest here, more businesses are asking for our security for our stellar SPAM filtering, and for our advanced phishing and spoofing policies. They are proven to be gold standard in the market right now, most likely because we don’t trust sources easily. Our AI-based email protection provides the strongest defense against spear phishing, account compromise and domain fraud. It offers protection to employees from falling prey to sophisticated email-based attacks.

Web File Sharing

This is our secure file sharing and storage platform that simplifies collaboration in the digital workplace. You can share large files, manage documents, and have unlimited storage for one flat rate. A major benefit is giving your clients access to your file sharing portal to complete transactions together. For security, you can password-protect any file, and control user access to content with expiration dates. Web file sharing makes it easy for teams to share documents without having to rely on email, or old file servers. Of course, Web File Sharing is a regulatory web service and is compliant with all E.U and US regulations.

Live Archive (Email outage protection)

Our rising star as most employees were being sent to work from home, is Live Archive – our email outage protection. It offers interrupted access to live and archive email. It gives businesses an email continuity solution that keeps an organization sending and receiving email without disruption. In plain English, if Gmail or Outlook is experiencing a service outage (which they often do), you would still be able to continue emailing using ExchangeDefender’s live archive. See how it works here!

Corporate Encryption

This was our best-seller last year (in 2020). It was relaunched with advanced encryption options, and became the first of its kind to offer 3 different ways to send a secure message. You can easily send and receive encrypted messages by email, url, or by sms text message. ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption is easy to use, can auto-detect sensitive data, and offers real-time reporting. Our service integrates easily, and is compatible with all major email service providers – including Office 365, on-premise Exchange, and G-Suite for Business.

If you are an ExchangeDefender partner, we would strongly suggest you to push these remote-work friendly solutions to your clients if you have not already. Our current data shows that the solutions mentioned above have been the most requested from clients since the beginning of 2020. All ExchangeDefender services are available via the cloud, and do not require any downloads or software installations to use. If you are interested in sales and marketing collateral, please submit a ticket request at our support portal – we will have the information to you within 24 hours.

4 growth strategies to expand your MSP business.

Every business on the planet is looking for ways to grow, whether you have 2 people on the books, or 2,000. One of the major challenges for MSPs in particular right now is creating and executing a growth strategy. Easier said than done of course, but today we’ll explore a few strategies that will help point you in the right direction.

What is a growth strategy?

A growth strategy can be defined as a special business plan that is created to overcome current or future challenges in order to achieve goals of expansion. Some good examples of growth strategy goals could be: improving your business’ products or services. It could be to acquire new assets like people or resources.  Today, we’ll go over the four main growth strategies that companies use in hopes of expansion.

Strategy #1 – Market Penetration

When we talk about market penetration, we are really talking about how well-known a product or service in a particular market. Normally, this is measured by the amount of sales compared to the total market share for that product/service.  

What are some examples of market penetration strategy? This could be the raising or lowering of your prices. Often, customers will look for a service that is the best in the market for the lowest price. It is really hard to compete like this, but if you can be competitive (not cheap) with your pricing then you may be able to acquire more customers. Another strategy is defining new target market segments. Let’s say – you’re a service provider, and you’ve only been servicing one type of businesses. You could consider offering your services to other professional businesses that are like-minded, and could use your service.

Strategy #2 – Service / Product Development

The main focus of this tactic is to be creative in how you offer your services. Take a look at your service offerings, could you sell something new? Like develop a new service bundle with your current services, or modify the existing services you offer in a way that would be beneficial for current pain points for businesses. This could be like how we upgraded and completely revamped our Corporate Encryption service. Of course, you could offer your same services but for a new market, as mentioned in the first strategy.

Strategy #3 – Market Expansion

A market expansion strategy focuses on selling current services in a completely new market from where your business currently operates in. For example, a company who operates solely via a partner-channel to sell their services, could start providing their services directly to customers in a direct-to-market strategy. The company is still offering the same services, but is offering them directly, instead via their channel of partners. This usually occurs when growth has peaked in a sales cycle, and the company develops an expansion strategy to overcome their current sales growth challenges.

Strategy #4 – Diversification Strategy

This particular plan is more complex and has at least 5 or 6 different types of diversification strategies. However, we will focus on the most common here, like horizontal diversification. This is when you introduce new services to your current offering in order to expand your market share. Normally a company will license new products, or even merge/acquire another company. Vertical diversification is another popular strategy which focuses on expanding its product line by creating a similar product for the same market. For example, a painting business that provides residential painting services, could start selling their own paint. Same target market (people who need their homes painted), but a new service and opportunity for the painting company to grow by not only painting the homes, but selling the paint itself to paint the homes.

Pro tip from us: Your current clients are your biggest assets. Take a look at what industries they are in, and explore if there are other sectors that could benefit from your services. Like if you currently service law firms, you could also service accountant and financial professionals, right? Secondly, take a look at the services that you are offering. Is there any way that you could expand your service offerings without shelling out too much money upfront? Be sure to compare vendors – their pricing, their fees, solutions offered etc.

Partner with us! Learn more about ExchangeDefender.

Mid-pandemic, resilience is key to business survival

It is crucial for business to reimagine both the labor force and work strategy to be resilient. This include the ability to be flexible, adapt, and respond to change.  SMB’s best survival chance is to evolve, execute intentional actions and focus on Resilience being in the forefront.

Adapting the tradition

Traditionally, Efficiency has been a primary focus in most organizations.  The pandemic has caused a shift in the way businesses play out their day to day.  The primary focus is/was to get the job done faster with inflexible processes that enabled agents to work more competently.

This is not to say efficiency is no longer required but merely has traded places with resiliency.  Frankly, corporations must now ensure assets, employees, and their workload are ready to constantly shift with ongoing changes.

Resilience is key

Resilience can be defined as the ability to bounce back after life’s challenges. Businesses who are more resilient have learned to move past obstacles in a healthy way.  Resilient people learn and know how to weather the storms that come along in life.  They are aware of difficult conditions, can interpret the situation and make sound decisions on what needs to be done.

On the road to resilience – at the onset of the pandemic, companies primarily hoped for the best. They struggle to keep operations running, and are having to furlough or lay off laborers. The main focus at this point for business is financial survival, as COVID-19 continues to devastate our ‘business as usual’.

Well-fed and well-led employees

Companies aggressively protected workers, workplaces, and customers from infections. Also implemented practices to address the core needs of safety and well-being.  They focused on being supportive to employees and their families.  Cultivated employees to work smarter, by developing new skills and cross-training with other departments thus increasing productivity.

Time to Pivot

SMB’s have accepted, due to the ever-changing market that change is inevitable. Organizations reinvented the hiring process, job design, performance management and pay to coincide with the new operating model.  Pivoting toward new markets, services or goods is a great way to build on the foundation a business already has, expands revenue, and brings more income to the organization.

ExchangeDefender provides email security, compliance, and email continuity solutions for small business. To explore our solutions, click here.

The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic and recent presidential election turmoil notwithstanding, cybersecurity remains one of the most non-political, bi-partisan challenges facing our nation in 2021. It doesn’t matter if you are a government organization or a private sector company, a non-profit or a for-profit, a Fortune 500 or an unfortunate 5000, everyone is being challenged daily to deal with the fervent bombardment of cybersecurity attacks on governments, businesses, and ordinary people.

While we’ve been on the cyber-defensive with nation-state, and high level cyber-criminals for decades, the executive branch of the federal government’s response has wobbled, staggered, and lurched in spastic fits that has essentially paralyzed any consistent national direction.

Most critical of all, there has been no clear guidance to the nation on exactly what is the federal government’s role in cybersecurity. Twenty years ago, dealing with foreign attacks were the sole responsibility of the federal government. Today, every private sector company, big and small, and every government organization—federal, state and local—find themselves outmatched and under-resourced in an unfair battle defending themselves against nations and organizations with far more dedicated assets. 

As overwhelming as these new trends may be, there are steps to mitigate some of the financial challenges SMB’s are facing.  Companies can invest in an affordable email protection in conjunction with sound business practices without breaking the bank.

Cybersecurity tips for 2021

Try reducing your organizations reliance solely on passwords and add Multi-factor authentication to ensure only authorized users gain access. Introduce technical security solutions with the use of “throttling” or account lock outs. Ensure that all corporate web applications require authentication use HTTPS.  Enlist a password management software, such a WRKOO or other secure storage.   Implement a disaster recovery plan that includes email continuity. ExchangeDefender offers Email outage protection that is flexible to fit you company’s needs. The service is quick and easy to setup. There are no software installations, and no manual switches. The easy part is that there is no management or maintenance required. ExchangeDefender’s Live Archive solution is designed to keep your organization in business whenever a disaster strikes. It provides continuous email communications regardless of internal network outages. Our service helps businesses preserve their brand and reputation while ensuring a reliable email continuity plan.

ExchangeDefender is starting 2021 with a subtle yet huge change in the way our applications and services interact on the backend – we have fully implemented OAuth. OAuth is a popular authentication / login framework that uses authorization tokens instead of passwords to grant you access to different/unrelated services.

What this means in practical terms is that once you login to ExchangeDefender, you will be authorized to access all of the applications you have access to without logging in again and again as you hop from your SPAM Quarantine to your Password Vault to Wrkoo Invoices or ExchangeDefender support.

It also means you are now able to use authenticator apps from Google, Microsoft, as well as SMS. We are already working on Microsoft Authenticator, and for users that don’t trust big tech, Authy.  

What will it look like?

Deployment of OAuth is completely transparent to the user and their login experience will not change. We are currently running OAuth in an open beta with our larger MSPs and enterprise customers and the login screen looks like this:

After you login with your username and password, you will be taken to our OAuth enrollment screen where you will be prompted for your password again (or prompted to reset it, if it’s older than 90 days).

That’s all. You’ll be enrolled in OAuth and from that point on your access to all our sites and services will be handled with authentication tokens instead of passwords.

After you’re authenticated, your avatar in the upper right hand side will feature shortcuts to the rest of the ExchangeDefender/Wrkoo/Own Web Now sites you have access to and they’ll be just a click away. This implementation will help us streamline access to all of the services the user is authorized to access, making it much easier to access all the services without dealing with multiple portals, sites, and login  credentials.

P.S. I have blogged repeatedly imploring our partners and clients to adopt better password policies and two-factor authentication. Truth is, no matter how amazing and unique your password is, it’s passing through series of potentially compromised routers and networks. Even though ExchangeDefender offers free 2FA, OTP, and requires strong passwords with option to automatically expire them – the adoption rate is still under 10%.

More and more, we’re prompted for our cell phone number – not for marketing, but for functional purposes. Web sites are using your cell number to text you a verification code, password reminders can’t even start without texting you – even the local restaurant will text you when your table is available. Everyone has a cell phone on them all the time and it’s the most convenient way to reach you.

The convenience stops abruptly when cell phones are used in a corporate or collaborative environment.

“Whose number ends in -2910?

I’m waiting for the OTP from Intuit!

Which phone are we using for 2FA for XYZ Inc?”

Over the years we’ve used various apps, services, even burner phones for 2FA/OTP purposes. When we got sent home by Covid-19, everyone felt the immediate sting of signing into services from a new computer. Managing apps, forwarding services and automation scripts that were at times delayed or hit and miss was just not tolerable.

At the same time, we were integrating our wildly successful Email Encryption with TXT (for secure message delivery) and this seemed like a natural extension. Pretty soon we were SMS-enabling everything in our organization and finally having a layer of reporting and management that is critical.

How to enroll?

Just go to our portal at and click on SMS Proxy.

At launch, we’re making it available with local numbers in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Once you pick your number you can add team members to it and you’re done. Every message sent to that number will be copied to other members of your team. It’s like a distribution group, but with cell phones – and you can have up to 5 people assigned to each number. Numbers are just $5 / month and include 100 inbound messages.

We’ve already got it working with a ton of different services (email, Slack, Teams) and we look forward to launching next and exciting services in 2021.

Beta Release: ExchangeDefender SMS Relay

Let’s face it – 2020 has been a challenging year.  Reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are fighting to emerge from the epidemic with a sense of determination and newly found resilience.  SMB’s have realized the journey to recovery and reinvention continues.

As this turbulent year concludes, now would be a good time to reflect on some of the more positive aspects, by noting ExchangeDefender’s 2020 upgraded features and solutions that were provided launched this year for our clients. Let’s take a look at 2020 in review:

Wrkoo – Client Support Software for Service Providers

2020 was Wrkoo’s first year in full production and it could not have come at a better time. The pandemic has forced many of us to work differently, straying from our typical office environment and weekly meetings.

We offered, (and are still offering) Wrkoo absolutely free to small businesses, and to our fellow service providers who are trying to keep their business sailing as smooth as possible, despite the current affairs. Approximately 25% of our partners currently use Wrkoo to run their business, and offer seamless client support with Wrkoo. We felt like it was a no-brainer to offer our client support software for free to keep small businesses (like ours) alive. Btw, we use Wrkoo too – have been for years! You can signup for free, here!

Service Manager for Exchange 2016

The full migration to Exchange 2016 proved to be extremely challenging, but with much success we managed to move ALL our clients hosted with us to the new platform. One of the highlighted changes is that you can access your service manager inside our support portal via

Exchange 2016 Distribution Group Management

Due to popular demand, we created the ability to manage Distribution Groups and External Contacts for Exchange 2016 via our Service Manager located inside the support portal.

ExchangeDefender User Sync Upgrade

ExchangeDefender User Sync Upgrade feature recently got a major upgrade to function with our new cloud infrastructure. This is our favorite way to enroll ExchangeDefender users for two reasons: it is simple and seamless to onboard new users.

Broadcast Messaging

The introduction of Broadcast messages was also hit! ExchangeDefender Broadcast Messages are easy, automated, and free.  Partners now can reach all users in their organization using broadcast messages. To use the feature, you’ll need to login to the admin portal with your SP account, learn how.

Web File Server UI Upgrade

Web File Server received a second light upgrade due to the high demands of clients currently power-using its file sharing application. WFS is designed to combine the power of old-fashioned file servers with the security, productivity, and collaboration demands of modern web applications.  Web File Server is ultimately about productivity and is designed as a service where clients can collaborate and share their document libraries with staff or external recipients. Take the tour!

ExchangeDefender a-la-carte offerings

Moving-on to the ever-popular Rise of “a la carte” offerings at ExchangeDefender.  As of June 2020, we offer solutions to be sold individually without ExchangeDefender or mail going through to us at all. These solutions include: ExchangeDefender PRO, Live Archive, Compliance Archiving, Corporate Encryption, and Web File Server. 

“Bypass” Disposable Email Addresses

Earlier this year, we created disposable email addresses (available for free) to help users get around some of our security protocols. The most common scenarios are misconfigured SPF/DKIM domains, strict organization policies that wont allow certain attachments etc. You can setup as many disposable addresses as you wish, they can be created and deleted at any time.

Feedback Loop Reporting

The new SPAM Reporting feature enables users to report SPAM messages that get delivered to their inbox in real-time, learn more. The Feedback loop signature settings are located inside the ExchangeDefender Admin portal, please Login as the domain administrator, click on Mail Delivery > SPAM Feedback Loop

Next Gen Live Archive

Everyone loves New Gen technology! And that was exactly what ExchangeDefender produced with the Next Gen Live Archive. The new LA is now a webmail not dependent on Exchange, Gmail or other major email providers.  To understand the full scope of the product, see here!

Corporate Encryption

New SMS & Secure Texting Feature shares sensitive information by text message with Corporate Encryption. The new feature has been added along with others, in the new release of our Encryption service that offer users the ability to easily send, and receive encrypted messages via email, url, or text message. It is easy to use, can auto-detect sensitive data, and offers real-time reporting.

Mobile phones (BYOD) have become so prevalent for work, especially with COVID-19 that has caused many of us to change the way we work. The use of our cell phone as a means of productivity is fully recognized. In response, ExchangeDefender provides additional security with 2FA/OTP to enable users to securely share information with clients and colleagues on-the-go.

Hands down, Corporate Encryption has been one of our best sellers.  The restructure of the encryption portal was driven solely to enhance the user experience. The Encryption Portal gives users central access to all encryption messages, contacts, advanced encryption options groups, SMS, URL and full audit log.

There you have it – ExchangeDefender has been actively engaged to ensure our partners are provided the latest products and services available.

ExchangeDefender security solutions experienced a burst in demand that has not let up, and neither has our development output. I’ve been involved in the strategy and our roadmap more than I’ve been in several years and I wanted to give you an informal update on some of our awesome projects and Q4 progress before we turn our attention to 2021. Hopefully we can help you.


Encryption has been an undisputed heavyweight champion of sales in 2020 and we’ve heavily invested into the service that is now being used by our clients to secure everything from email stock trade notifications to doctor office sms/txt delivery of lab results. The ability to sell this product a-la-carte without ExchangeDefender (or MX/DNS changes) has significantly expanded our market and reach, while the ability to encrypt and distribute messages via web and sms/txt to mobile devices has opened up the application and use case scenarios exponentially. The demand for the product has not slowed down, and we’re already working on the 3rd update to this service in a year.

The bad news is that due to the demand we’ll stop partner training on December 1st, and Encryption sales will officially stop for 2020 on December 11th (expected to resume in late January 2021). We have a very large enterprise and government presence where most of the contracts, deployment, and projects happen in late December (and with Covid / office / travel restrictions our schedule is already packed).

XD Updates

We are making significant upgrades to our core ExchangeDefender features, and most of them are focused around productivity and management efficiency. For example, we’re starting our ExchangeDefender Outlook/OWA Addin beta later this month. We’re simplifying the way for you to implement and manage DKIM, SPF, and DMARC. We’re launching some other exciting features as an addon pack, which should help many organizations that need better controls to police notifications, confirmations, spear phishing attempts, and full transport rules. Where we’re in highest demand at ExchangeDefender is professional email services, where we’re brought in to assist with a specific email problem. Over the past year we’ve been hired to run mail audits, security audits, insurance company hired us to double-check in house IT, we’ve built several SMS/txt/email gateways, and almost on the hourly basis: security protocol implementations. It’s getting to the point that business email delivery and issue troubleshooting is a full time job. The future of cybersecurity looks bright!

Exchange Essentials

Because business is ultimately about making money, we’ve been pressed to return the Exchange Essentials service. Listen, I understand it, budgets are going to be tougher in 2021 and everyone is going to need an affordable but secure Exchange experience. Even if cuts aren’t crucial, for some organizations it makes sense to spend IT budgets elsewhere other than a $15 mailbox (most people these days spend their time in Outlook on their phone than on the desktop)

We’re bringing Exchange Essentials back at $4.99 for a limited time.

P.S. This is gonna sell out by Christmas, so if you have an opportunity and need us to hold some seats please call us at 877-546-0316, and let us know.


We decided to give Wrkoo Startup away for free with no limits when we were first looking to shut down our offices in March — we knew small businesses were not prepared for an extended “work from home” and that keeping everyone informed was on every managers mind. We gave Wrkoo away for free to everyone that worked with our partners, everyone that had ExchangeDefender, and aggressively promoted it here in Orlando because we wanted to help our community. We are truly all in this together because small businesses depend on each other. This is a rather expensive marketing write-off, but we’ve pledged to keep it free through at least one quarter after the USA gets vaccines.

Through this time we’ve heard from people who are using Wrkoo to provide customer service, to send out invoices, to track time, to manage entire projects, we have a translation service that runs on it, and a business vertical of every kind. And with ExchangeDefender we keep on connecting business productivity with the way people actually work and communicate when they need to get stuff done. We couldn’t be happier to have been a part in someone getting their business together in the cloud. Throughout all this mess, Wrkoo is the way we keep everyone accountable and on the same page. I know it can do the same for your business, or recommend it to a friend.

ExchangeDefender Email Encryption is a service that helps you control and distribute sensitive information. There is no shortage of solutions that help comply with the alphabet soup of regulatory requirements that help mitigate data leakage – the real challenge is making people that rely on encryption to be more productive.

We spoke to thousands of our users, across industries, to gain understanding for how they use the service and what would make it optimal. Here is their wishlist, delivered:

Encrypted Messages are about more than email

While Email Encryption services were designed to automate encryption of email that contained sensitive information, the practical use for email encryption is simply to securely deliver and track access of those messages. Depending on the urgency, sensitivity and the receiving party, ExchangeDefender’s Advanced Encryption Options make it possible to customize how long the message is available for, if the recipient needs to enroll in the service or simply click to view, who should be notified of message delivery/receipt/read status, and more.

ExchangeDefender is the only Email Encryption solution to feature multi-channel delivery of sensitive content. Simply put, organizations no longer only share data via email. Companies are now texting more than ever, as well as leveraging different portal and chat solutions to which sensitive content can be attached. ExchangeDefender enables you to send encrypted messages – automatically based on content or by your custom preference –  but you can send it as an email, as an SMS/text message to a mobile phone, or as a URL link pasted on Facebook/Slack/Teams or any web or social media property.

Simply put, when you need to know that it got there securely and what they did with it afterwards, ExchangeDefender has the policies, processes, and automation to make it possible and simple.

Encryption isn’t an IT / CCO problem, it’s a business challenge

No software to install. No need to change any DNS records or move your email hosting. No devices or appliances to maintain or support. It takes just a few minutes to sign up for ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption, add your users, and set the default corporate encryption policy and suggested lexicons/pattern searches to keep everyone secure. In minutes, IT’s job is done.

The real encryption challenge is with the people that rely on encryption to get things done. Staff that sends out hundreds of encrypted medical records each day. Staff that communicates sensitive financial information between multiple organizations. Staff that is more concerned about the message getting to the intended recipient that can easily access it – or they become the front line IT support for every recipient that can’t view the message, didn’t get the message, or worst case scenario, message was sent to the wrong party (you can revoke it at any time).

ExchangeDefender approaches the business challenge by helping the sender customize the environment and save settings to eliminate repetitive work.

Outlook or Outlook Web App

ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption comes with an Outlook and OWA add-in product that adds buttons to the Outlook/OWA ribbon. Safe delivery of sensitive information is really just a click away: just click on encrypt. This approach removes the need for the web interface entirely, and follows the default encryption policy as defined by your IT and Chief Compliance Officer.


Most of encrypted email work is related to message delivery: When you want to know that they got the message and what they did with it. With traditional offerings this is a painful process of searching through tons of email notifications – but ExchangeDefender takes that a few steps forward.

ExchangeDefender Corporate Encryption features a powerful Activity tab that enables users to see live activity across all the messages they’ve sent recently. For example, if you’d like to know whether the recipient attempted to print or forward a message you restricted them from printing or forwarding, you’ll find an alert on the Activity page. If you send a ton of mail, our powerful search will help you define the actions you’re looking for, search for a specific time period, or just search by text/subject. From there you can export it to Excel, PDF, CSV, or just print out the report.

If you don’t send a lot of messages or dislike constant email notifications from encryption services, we’ve got you covered as well. ExchangeDefender features a weekly email report that shows you all the messages you sent and the associated activity.

Management Default Policies

ExchangeDefender makes it really simple to define a corporate security policy that automates the encryption of sensitive information. Whether you want to screen for standard personally identifiable information (PII), or use one of the predefined lexicons for a number of industries, or you want to define a default corporate policy to keep all users secure, ExchangeDefender has you covered.

Sender Policies

ExchangeDefender keeps its users productive by eliminating the user interface clutter – a byproduct of a highly flexible and customizable interface. Sending an encrypted message is simple and requires no training by design, the entire process is obvious and intuitive.

To be productive, you will need to rely on some of the more advanced features of ExchangeDefender Encryption that help control notifications, message rights, message age, and additional security requirements. ExchangeDefender allows you to save your policy customizations as a new policy, so that all the settings you configured can be reused and reapplied with just one click, on demand.

The Encryption Opportunity

The purpose of email encryption is to help automate the encryption of sensitive information. ExchangeDefender excels at this requirement with domain policies, lexicons, advanced pattern searches, and custom policies.

There is a lot more to encryption when you consider the people that rely on it to do their job – and ExchangeDefender offers Outlook/OWA addins to make encrypted email as simple as a mouse click. From there we provide powerful Activity reports in the encryption portal that allows you to search for messages, activities, and even filter down to the right time frame. Because encryption isn’t only about sending – it’s about knowing that the message was received securely – you can create custom reports that can be printed, saved, or exported to Excel.

Ultimate opportunity is in realizing that message encryption needs to evolve with how we work. Covid-19, office closures, physical distancing, and reducing touch points has made us all rely on social media, chat platforms, portals, and social media to communicate with our coworkers, partners, and clients. We now share sensitive information via email but also over the web and via text/sms to mobile devices. ExchangeDefender supports them all, secures them all, and enables secure productivity.

It’s easy to see why Corporate Encryption is our most popular product, please submit a ticket for a free trial.