Hack the Future: RSVP for the ExchangeDefender Hack-a-ton

We will, we will hack you!
Please join us for a special ExchangeDefender virtual event.
Friday, September 13th, 2024 – 1 PM EST
You will be among the first to hear about our new line of business that we are currently building in public. See how you can get involved and profit from the platform we’re putting in our partner’s back pocket.
Remember that more than 90% of corporate security exploits start with a phishing email. We’ve done everything possible to keep those messages out of your Inbox and now have something new to announce.
See you next Friday 🙂
LiveArchive Backup for Small Business: Setup & Best Practices Workshop Series

Over the next seven weeks, ExchangeDefender will hold interactive zoom workshops to help everyone set up their LiveArchive.
Thanks to the many of you who took our LiveArchive survey. We share your excitement and the opportunities LiveArchive presents to our users and want you to have it for your organization. Thank you for sharing tips for what works to get your team on board. We’ve been able to design a workshop that will cover all the bases and have your product deployed by the time the hour is up!

Open a ticket at https://support.exchangedefender.com and let us know which date and time works for you. Space is very limited so please claim your spot fast!!
Workshops will be presented over zoom and will be interactive, allowing you to ask questions and even help with your setup. Here is a brief overview:
- LiveArchive Deployment Checklist
- LiveArchive Deployment Scenario
- LiveArchive Deployment Walkthrough
- DNS and security setup
Requirements for the workshop:
- Domain must be currently protected and configured with ExchangeDefender
- Domain DNS zone management access (confirm MFA)
- Microsoft M365 Administrator access (confirm MFA)
This FREE LiveArchive workshop simplifies everything! Get clear pricing, expert deployment guidance, and perfect configuration – all within an hour. Everyone in your organization gains immediate access to long-term email archives, including live incoming emails. Skip the confusing documentation and sign up now – spots are limited!
Getting Ready for LiveArchive UI – What You Need to Know!

ExchangeDefender will be launching the LiveArchive Web UI during our webinar next week and we are looking forward to showing you how to launch it with a single command! In the meantime, this blog post is intended to give you a heads-up about the requirements and functionality so you can make design decisions.
Docker & Design
In a recent post, we discussed why MariaDB/RDS is required for the LiveArchive Web UI: it’s where we store the message metadata such as sender/recipient/subject/etc. These elements drive the UI and enable users to locate messages, search, and complete eDiscovery and email recovery tasks.
ExchangeDefender has organized the entire LiveArchive Web UI into a single container that can run on your own docker on a workstation or NAS in your office, across a wide variety of virtualization products and services, as well as public cloud like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. This makes ExchangeDefender Web UI easy to update, easy to manage, and easy to tweak to your requirements.
There are two ways to configure and start the container: preconfigured with environment variables or on-demand browser configuration. If you start the container without the environment defined you will be presented with a web configuration wizard that will prompt for S3 and RDS credentials. If this is the first time you’re deploying LiveArchive Web UI or just want to test it, this is the best way. Once you close your browser all the configuration vanishes and nobody else has access to your mail.
After you’ve configured everything to your liking and are looking to put the service into production, place the appropriate information in the container environment variables, and the container will always launch in production mode and bypass the wizard configuration.
ExchangeDefender Web UI was designed to facilitate your email backup and eDiscovery needs. Our experience in compliance archiving and long-term email archiving has allowed us to work with countless organizations and one thing they all have in common is that they all have their own unique access and control needs.
ExchangeDefender Web UI by default presents all the available mailboxes and each email address has its own path. Using this predictable data storage process your Web Application Firewall can easily be configured to include or exclude data by path alone.
We designed the solution so it can be launched quickly, accessed, and managed without a lot of technical skill, and so it can be quickly modified/optimized for production. LiveArchive offers a lot of solutions to modern email problems and the flexibility means you can run different LiveArchive Web UI for different personnel or different tasks.
Resources & Customization
ExchangeDefender Web UI is completely free and open source. This means you can download it, modify it, and use it freely.
It also means that the solution will live even after ExchangeDefender as an organization is gone. You will not find any references or callbacks to our network and all the protocols are fully documented. This enables you to truly craft a failover email solution that can be completely disconnected from the Internet and placed into cold storage / safe.
Resource-wise the container is a little more than a web server and you can run hundreds of users with even the minimal 1 cpu / 1gb ram. This is possible because the SQL workload and data storage are handled by other services.
We hope you’re as excited about the launch as we are. Please join us for the webinar to see how it’s done and we’ll even help you set yours up right after the event! Just think of a good subdomain to point to your new LiveArchive backup platform.
Something old, new, borrowed, and blue!
As the throwback to the Victorian era implies, ExchangeDefender looks forward to providing your protection and prosperity. From September to November of 2023 we will be launching a ton of new features and we want to invite you to a webinar that will explain all the details you need to know:

The pricing will not change but you’ll get many new features and security settings.
We are responding to the demands and problems our clients face every day exchanging information across the Internet securely.
What worked a decade or two ago, heck even a week or two ago in some cases, is no longer adequate. That’s what you pay us for and the primary value we provide – keeping new exploits and attacks on your technology away from your server/cloud/tenant.
To get the same level of protection and monitoring you’d need a dedicated cybersecurity team for even the smallest of organizations – and we’re taking big steps to simplify that process and give you the ability to control your security without having to deal with every little detail.
We’re excited and hope you get a chance to join us for this webinar – we promise it will save you a ton of time and get you ahead of what will be a very busy quarter.
WEBINAR RECAP: Earn cash rewards, new phishing filter design, and more!
Our latest webinar live session of 2022 just happened a few days ago, and we had so much to share with our partners. Topics covered included our newly launched sister company, 365 Defender, our new referral program that earns you cash rewards, and so much more. Today, we want to share with you the replay of the webinar featuring just the main highlights. You can always watch the replay video anytime by clicking here.

365 Defender – providing affordable cybersecurity services directly to small businesses
ExchangeDefender’s overall strategy for 2022, as we recover from the covid-19 global pandemic, is to focus on enhancing our current cybersecurity services and software. There has been a huge shift in the IT workforce, and IT needs for the common small business which is why we launched 365 Defender. 365 Defender enables small businesses with no IT the ability to access affordable cybersecurity services. Why did we do this? The market demand was overwhelming, especially while we were all working from home. We started getting requests directly from businesses who were in dire need of security. Further, IT and MSP providers providers are specializing in more profitable areas leaving an under-served SMB space.

New Phishing Firewall user experience
ExchangeDefender Phishing Firewall has received a major face lift. We’re making it easier to control where your users go when they aren’t paying attention. The new UI enables direct access to malware scans and site security reports. It also features an improved mobile interface with the ability for logging and auditing. Soon, the firewall will also feature phishing and security user training. The new firewall is automatic, and does not require any actions by the user.
In 2022, every business needs a (good) website
We just launched brand new custom website design packages for an affordable price. Currently there are two options: a full one pager website, and a premium three-page responsive website. Pricing begins at just $199, and as a launch promo we are offering our clients the ability to spread the payments over three easy monthly payments. Why did we start offering this service? In a recent survey, tons of partners expressed their website and maintenance frustrations. We knew that we could create a package that includes the website, hosting, and maintenance.

365 Defender Referral Program
Say hello to less work, and more commission with our new 365 Defender Referral Program. Earn up to $365 commission for every referral that becomes a client. When they subscribe to a service, they’ll get a $20 credit, and you’ll get a cash reward equivalent to their final sales amount. The process is simple – sign up for free, submit a company referral, and earn cash.
Introducing ExchangeDefender Phishing Firewall Beta (SEE PICS)

As you may have noticed, we have been focusing on the end user experience a lot more. Over the past few years our service and phishing protection have gone from being an IT tool to a cybersecurity service users interact with on a daily basis. For more details and to find out about all the new features we’re delivering this spring please tune into our webinar:

New Phishing Firewall
As we roll out these changes we’re actively seeking user input and feedback on the changes. We’re also offering a live version of the next stuff that you can test drive. Here is our current ExchangeDefender Phishing Firewall screen:

So much has changed since we launched this service years ago and we now have tons of UX data and client feedback that we can use to make the ExchangeDefender Phishing Firewall better for everyone.
Next time you’re on the Phishing Firewall look in the upper left under “Phishing Firewall is getting a new look! Check it out here!”. Clicking on that button will default the firewall to the new version every time you visit (you can roll back as well).

What’s new?
We’ve cleared the clutter and made it very obvious where to click in order to proceed. For the longest time our users didn’t know they could click on the link to proceed :emoji for shrugs:

From there we’ve enhanced the process that keeps the user secure. These features require the user to authenticate and all their repeat visits will feature the ability to apply org policies (for safe sites, thus bypassing the screen), manage personal settings and alert the user to potential danger ahead.
We’ve also integrated open security services that can scan any link on demand and identify the site reputation and possible malware content. Our enterprise clients also enjoy the ability to sandbox/proxy link content and to preview the web site without actually clicking it and opening it in the browser. Of course the ability to slipstream your brand and your support into the process is available to enterprise customers as well.
Let us know what you think! We’re looking for all the feedback we can get.
[WEBINAR] How to: Comply with new email authorization standards
Welcome to 2021: Comply with the industry security standards or your mail gets bounced.
Believe it or not, that’s the best case scenario: When you actually know your email wasn’t delivered.
Most of the time, though, your sender reputation is scored by internal/proprietary lists and the message is just moved to trash. Worst case scenarios – where hackers are using your domain and email address as impersonations (to launch attacks) or to fool internal employees.
ExchangeDefender has always provided technology and policies to help manage this, but few of our partners have fully adopted it. We have been seeing an escalation in attacks over the past year and it’s only a matter until these security gaps are exploited.
We don’t want to see that happen to you. It is important enough that we are willing to help tighten your security and deploy auth protocols on your behalf, free of charge. Only catch is, it has to be completed by October 31st, 2021.
Too good to be true? Tune into our webinar next Thursday to get the specifics about what needs to be done and how. We will be covering:
– Best practices for email deliverability
– Required DNS records for SPF & DKIM
– Review of domain security policies
– Email delivery troubleshooting
Please register for the webinar:
XD Security Standards Compliance
Thursday, September 16, 2021 (Noon EST)
We cannot overstate the importance of getting this done. ExchangeDefender (and practically everyone else) will no longer relay mail beyond 2021 without valid email authorization DNS records in place. Don’t wait until December and face expensive consulting contracts, we can handle this for free now and it will take less than 10 minutes of your time. That is how committed we are to keeping you secure and your email arriving where you send it, in the Inbox, every time.
P.S. We strongly encourage you to attend the webinar live so you can ask questions. As DNS is not something we host/offer please keep in mind that our support team will not assist or troubleshoot DNS issues for you.
Next Gen Live Archive Launch [Video Tour]
Today’s webinar featured the launch of ExchangeDefender’s next generation LiveArchive, showcased by CEO, Vlad Mazek.
The new Live Archive is now a webmail in its own right not dependent on Exchange, Gmail or other major email providers. You’ll have to watch the video tour to get understand the mega power of the new service but a few highlights are:
– Live Archive offers real-time archiving of all inbound and outbound mail
– The ability to send and receive email during outages and other network disruptions
– The mailbox holds up to one year of mail
– Live Archive offers immediate email failover and disaster recovery and is compatible with all email providers
Live Archive Product Page:
Live Archive Technical Features:
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive Launch!

ExchangeDefender is pleased to introduce the next generation of our email solutions.
We have supported and protected Exchange for over two decades and as well as managing security for every mail server solution on the Internet – trust us, we know email sucks. To help fix it – no matter where your email is, no matter if it’s Microsoft or Google or Amazon cloud – we needed to develop an email server that can run side by side. We are happy to show you the beginning of this adventure next Friday, where we will unveil the new product live… and a little surprise 🙂
ExchangeDefender LiveArchive is getting a major upgrade.
New, modern, responsive web interface that will make Gmail jealous. Potential not just to save your business but build a whole suite of solutions for business continuity, hybrid deployment to save licensing, backup offering, use your imagination. ExchangeDefender has built a mail server from the ground up with the focus on security that still enables your productivity. Join us and see it live! Q&A with the CEO to follow.
Join our upcoming Webinar
Friday, May 15, 11 AM
Registration URL
We strongly recommend business decision makers and IT personnel attend this meeting. We will be going over the new service launch, implementation and deployment, user notifications, service changes, and the product roadmap. As always, all of this will be done for you and on your behalf so “if you like the email experience you have now, you’ll get to keep your email experience” so if you just want it taken care of you don’t have to do a thing. If you’d like to understand how things will be deployed, changed, and upgraded then please make sure you attend.
CEO ExchangeDefender
Webinar Notes: UI Upgrades, a-la-carte Solutions and Service Bundles

Our team at ExchangeDefender has been putting insane hours to launch massive upgrades to the ExchangeDefender products and services you enjoy today. As mentioned in the previous webinars, big upgrades to all our core products are coming as is the ability to subscribe to them without relying on us for email. Our file sharing platform is getting a massive boost, our business continuity email resilience platform will help you cut Office 365 spending by up to 85%, we have decoupled Email Encryption from ExchangeDefender, and we even have a huge Wrkoo surprise to share as well.
Webinar – ExchangeDefender Solutions Redefined
In case you missed it, the main highlights of the webinar were:
UI upgrades
The new responsive UI is live across 85% of our applications to include the Wrkoo model. Compliance Archive will be updated soon.
A-la-carte ExchangeDefender Solutions
We are Offering individual ExchangeDefender apps without email.
Quickly roll out services and add ons – no migrations.
Available individually as Encryption, Compliance Archiving, Web File Server, and LiveArchive.
Professional services and solutions that are in heavy demand: Live Archive, Corporate Encryption, Web File Server, Compliance Archiving
Wrkoo – Small Business Management Platform (B2B)
Wrkoo is free – for now. All new UI makes transition between ExchangeDefender and Wrkoo seamless. Full, rich, responsive interface across desktop & mobile (no apps!)
Introduction to Service Bundle Options
ExchangeDefender introduced our brand new service bundle options to partners that focus on solving the IT challenges that real small businesses face.
The sneak peak showcased the following service bundles for Email Security, Email Compliance, and a full Enterprise Suite.
COVID-19 Update:
ExchangeDefender is OPEN from 8am to 6pm, (Monday – Friday) until further notice. We are all working from home, all is well and our response times for service requests are normal.
Our Special Offer to Partners:
Wrkoo PRO – a B2B small business management system is free! Due to the current health crisis, business disruptions are high and we would like to offer our partners the ability to manage their clients, and their employees using our cloud platform. Sign up here: www.wrkoo.com/sign-up